25 more groups of junior judges wanted – hurry!

07 March 2008


The Royal Society Prizes for Science Books aim to encourage the writing, publishing and reading of good and accessible popular science books for adults and young people. For twenty years, the Prizes have celebrated a wide range of stimulating, engaging, clear and accessible science books.

Each year, the Royal Society invites groups of young people aged 10-14 to become Junior Judging Panels. These panels read the shortlisted books and select the final winner.

The Junior Judging Panels are responsible for reading, assessing and judging the six books that will be shortlisted for the Junior Prize of the Royal Society Prizes for Science Books 2008. The Junior Prize is for the best science book aimed at young people aged up to 14 years old, that was first published in English in 2007.

We have 25 extra places for Junior Judging Panels to judge the Junior Prize of the Royal Society Prizes for Science Books, thanks to the generosity of NESTA Planet Science. They are offering to buy a set of books for each of 25 of their newsletter readers, so they can participate. The judging groups will be spread across the UK and come from a range of organisations. There's still opportunities for organisations to participate by buying their own sets of books.

The online form must be completed by 6pm on Thursday 13 March 2008.

We will announce the selected groups by Thursday 27 March 2008.

The books and judging packs will be sent out during the second week in April.

Results are due in by Monday 9 June 2008.