Leading international researchers awarded fellowships in UK
10 November 2015The eighthround of Newton International Fellowships has been awarded jointly by three ofthe UK’s national research academies – the Royal Society, the British Academyand the Academy of Medical Sciences.
The eighthround of Newton International Fellowships has been awarded jointly by three ofthe UK’s national research academies – the Royal Society, the British Academyand the Academy of Medical Sciences
The NewtonInternational Fellowships are funded by the UK Government’s Department forBusiness Innovation and Skills to ensure that the UK engages with the world’smost promising early career academics.
The Fellowships provide an opportunity for some of the most talented post-doctoral researchers working overseas to carry out world class research in UK institutions across all disciplines of natural sciences and engineering, social science and humanities, and patient orientated research (or clinical research).
In 2015 theAcademies have awarded 37 Newton International Fellowships, in addition, thisyear a further 10 Newton International Fellows have been supported through theNewton Fund.
The Newton Fundinitiative aims to develop long-term sustainable growth and welfare of partnercountries through building research and innovation capacity, and forms part ofthe UK’s Official Development Assistance commitment. Newton Fund partnercountries include Brazil, China, Mexico, South Africa, and Turkey.
The latestgroup of successful applicants will be investigating topics ranging from thepreservation of soft tissue in amber to violence and citizenship in dividedGermany. They come from research institutes in around 20 different countriesincluding India, Romania, Nigeria and the USA.
The full listof Newton International Fellowships for 2015 is as follows:
Mr HusseinAbkallo, Kenyan - Geneticvalidation of the function of PfEMP1 in Plasmodium falciparum rosette formation- hosted by University of Edinburgh
Ms SnehaBansode, Indian - Aneural fingerprint of consciousness: Brain processing in the absence ofconscious awareness – hosted by University of Cambridge
Mr ScottBlumenthal, American - Oxygenisotopes in primates and implications for early hominin ecology - hosted byUniversity of Oxford
Dr LoriBorgal, Canadian - Dissectingthe roles of the microtubule-associated proteins Asp/ASPM in cell division - hostedby University of Exeter
Dr DragosCalma, Romanian - PremodernMetaphysics without Aristotle? The Unpublished Commentaries on the 'Book ofCauses' - hosted by University of Cambridge
Dr MuhammedTalha Cicek, Turkish - NegotiatingEmpire in the desert: Ottomans and the Arab tribes of Syria, Iraq and Arabia,1870–1914 - hosted by School of Oriental and African Studies and supportedby the Newton Fund
Dr KarunaDietrich Wielenga,Indian - Historical origins of the informal sector: A case study of thetextile industry in south India - hosted by University of Oxford
Dr FernandaDuarte, Chilean - PlagiarizingProteins: In Silico Evolution of Catalysts for Selective Chemical Synthesis - hostedby University of Oxford
Dr NataliaFili, Greek - Theinteraction of fission yeast class I myosin with the plasma membrane and itsrole on endocytosis - hosted by University of Kent at Canterbury
Dr MollyFlaherty, American - Languageevolution in the lab and the field - how new languages trade-off redundancy andefficiency - hosted by University of Edinburgh
Dr VanessaFontana, Brazilian - Identificationof efficacy predictors for clopidogrel using integrated systems pharmacologyapproach - hosted by University of Liverpool and supported by the NewtonFund
Ms JaneFreeland, Australian - EverydayViolence and Citizenship in Divided Germany, 1970-1990 - hosted byUniversity of Bristol
Dr JaclynGranick, American -Jewish women’s internationalism, 1880-1995: A century of Jewish universalism - hostedby University of Oxford
Dr AndreaIdini, Italian - Ab-initionucleon scattering off medium mass isotopes - hosted by University ofSurrey
Dr Mario F.Juruena, Brazilian - MineralocorticoidReceptor assessment in Bipolar Depression with Early Life Stress - hostedby King's College London and supported by the Newton Fund
Dr MattKandel, American - TesoRetransforming: Land Dispossession, Violence, and Capital Accumulation,1991-2015 - hosted by School of Oriental and African Studies
Dr Xue-FengLi, Chinese - Therole of macrophage-induced cancer cell autophagy in breast cancer metastasis - hostedby University of Edinburgh and supported by the Newton Fund
Dr Jung-WeiLiao, Taiwanese - Femtosecondlaser induced control of three-dimensional magnetic memory based on magneticratchet - hosted by University of Cambridge
Dr Ziqi Lin, Chinese - Circulating histonesindex disease severity in acute pancreatitis and other critical illness - hostedby University of Liverpool and supported by the Newton Fund
Dr MikhailLopatin, Russian - Musico-textualtopoi in Italian musical culture of the Trecento and early Quattrocento - hostedby University of Oxford
Dr Siyuan Ma, Chinese - Does the endocrine andimmune response to burn injury underlie poor outcome in aged burn patients - hostedby University of Birmingham and supported by the Newton Fund
Ms VictoriaMcCoy, American - Softtissue preservation in amber - hosted by University of Leicester
Dr RobertMercas, Romanian - Bigdata: New Algorithmical Challenges - hosted by King's College London
Ms PrinehaNarang, American - ExcitedState Electronic and Photonic Phenomena at the Mesoscale for Energy ConversionDevices - hosted by Imperial College London
Dr MeganOliva, Australian - Roleof endoplasmic reticulum in axonal cell physiology - hosted by Universityof Cambridge
Dr EmuobosaOrijemie, Nigerian - Newapplied approaches to African farming systems: the long-term history of farmingin Tiv, Nigeria - hosted by University of Cambridge
Dr CerenOzpinar, Turkish - Re-visitingFeminist Temporalities in Art and Art History in Turkey from 1970s onwards - hostedby University of Sussex and supported by the Newton Fund
Dr Juan CarlosPalo Nieto, Spanish - Catalyticstereoselective synthesis of glycosides - hosted by University of Bristol
Dr OscarPalomar Perez, Spanish- MACHETE: Design of MAny-Core HETErogeneous processors for advancedcomputer vision - hosted by University of Manchester
Mr AndrewPeters, American - Corticostriatalinteractions in perceptual learning - hosted by University College London
Mr JonathanPreminger, Israeli -Labor relations in a “national” industry following globalization: Israel’sshipping industry - hosted by Cardiff University
Dr CorinnaPreuss, German – Artificialgelatineous zooplankton - hosted by University of Warwick
Miss JoannaRakoczy, Australian - Theepigenetic effects of abnormal folate metabolism on fetal and placentaldevelopment - hosted by University of Cambridge
Dr RafaelRasse, Venezuelan – Autonomousobservations of oceanic carbon fluxes in oxygen minimum zones - hosted byPlymouth Marine Laboratory
Dr SaraSabater, Spanish - NewOrganometallic 3d Metal Single Molecule Magnets - hosted by University ofBath
Dr Yueru Sun, Chinese - Structural elucidation ofBRCA1, PALB2, BRCA2 tumour suppressor complex in Homologous Recombination - hostedby Imperial College London
Mr Meng Tian, Chinese - Studies on Deep CarbonTransport in Subduction Zones - hosted by University of Oxford
Dr EstherVan Schagen, Dutch - Howcan impact assessments improve EU contract law? - hosted by University ofOxford
Dr MaartenVan Zalk, Dutch - AggressionToward Minority Groups in Adolescence: A Biosocial Approach - hosted byUniversity of Oxford
Dr GaneshVenkataraman, Indian - EnantioselectiveCoupling Reaction of Substituted Phenylacetylenes and Styrenes with BoronicEsters - hosted by University of Bristol
Dr TatsianaWaseem, Belorussian - Neuronspecific chloride dynamics during hippocampal network activity - hosted byUniversity of Oxford
Mr GijsbertWerner, Dutch - TheDeep History of Mutualistic Cooperation - hosted by University of Oxford
Dr AnetaWróblewska-Kaminska,Polish - Mathematical analysis of complex fluids - scales and multi-scales.- hosted by Imperial College London
Dr WuxiangXie, Chinese – Doseresponse relationship between air pollution and cardiovascular disease in Beijing- hosted by Imperial College London and supported by the Newton Fund
Ms ElsaZacco, Italian - Suppressingamyloid formation: novel all-in-one therapeutics against neurodegeneration - hostedby King's College London
Dr PingyuZhang, Chinese - Novelapproaches to the design of multitargeted drugs to treat endemic cancers - hostedby University of Warwick and supported by the Newton Fund
Dr LiyunZhang, Chinese - Advancingartificial photosynthesis concepts by optimizing the catalyst-semiconductorinterface - hosted by University of Oxford and supported by the Newton Fund