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New views on human origins

02 June 2005 18:30 - 19:30

By Professor Chris Stringer FRS

The Natural History Museum, London

When the first fossil human finds were recognised over 150 years ago, ideas about human evolution were still in their infancy. Now, our knowledge of how humans evolved has increased considerably but, despite all the recent advances, there are still many fascinating puzzles.

In this lecture, Chris Stringer, Head of Human Origins at the Natural History Museum, co-author of 'The Complete World of Human Evolution' (Thames & Hudson 2005) and Director of the Ancient Human Occupation of Britain project, will discuss some of these mysteries; from how we eventually came to replace other humans such as the Neanderthals, to the discovery of Homo floresiensis (The Hobbit) and what such discoveries can tell us about human evolution in a global context.