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Is seeing believing?

23 January 2012 18:30 - 20:00


Café Scientifique with Dr Holly Bridge

Can we always believe what we are seeing? Can our perception of the world around us be manipulated? Join Dr Holly Bridge to explore how visual information is processed by the human brain, and how this can be altered to change our perception of our surroundings.

Dr Holly Bridge is a Royal Society University Research Fellow based at University of Oxford FMRIB Centre. Dr Bridge’s research looks at how visual information is processed in the human brain, both in subjects with normal, and abnormal vision. In particular she is interested in how the input from the two eyes leads to a perception of depth (stereoscopic vision).

Café Scientifique events aim to provide a forum for the debate of scientific ideas. Free and open for all to attend, join scientists and other specialists to explore current issues in science over a drink. Audience participation is strongly encouraged.

This event is free to attend, doors open at 5.45pm and admission is on a first come, first served basis.

This event is one of a series of Café Scientifique events throughout the year, the next What's left to explore in our solar system? is in February.