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Driverless cars - ask the experts

Driverless cars are poised to become as everyday an appliance as the television or the mobile phone, but is the world ready to hand over the steering wheel to an algorithm?
Would we be happy giving up control to an algorithm that doesn’t choose to swerve and miss that hedgehog? Who's responsible if your new driverless car accidentally runs over next door's dog? What will we do with all our reclaimed drive time?
Join our panel of experts Paul Zanelli, Professor Maja Pantic, Dr Ingmar Posner chaired by Dr Sabine Hauert to hear the ins and outs of the ethical debates surrounding driverless cars and have your say by getting involved with our Q&A.
Attending the event
- Free to attend
- No registration required
- Seats allocated on a first come, first served basis
- Please note that there can be queues to enter the building, particularly during the weekend. Make sure to arrive early when planning to attend an event.
- This event is part of the Royal Society's Summer Science Exhibition 2016
For all enquiries, please contact