Professor Bruce Weir FRS

Bruce Weir is a statistical geneticist who has developed and applied statistics theory to predict and quantify variation at genetic loci between individuals and between populations. His methods are used across multiple disciplines to characterize the structure of natural populations, to interpret matching DNA forensic profiles, and to locate human disease genes.

Bruce trained in statistics and genetics at North Carolina State University and is currently a Professor of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Genome Sciences at the University of Washington Schools of Public Health and Medicine. He directs the Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics, a program he founded 25 years ago, which has trained thousands of researchers worldwide. He authored the textbook 'Genetic Data Analysis' and, with the rise of DNA evidence in courts around the word, continues to train a growing number of forensic geneticists.

Bruce was elected an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand in 1998, and is also a Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the American Statistical Association.

Professional position

  • Professor, Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington

Subject groups

  • Organismal biology, evolution and ecology

    Biological statistics, Ecology (incl behavioural ecology), Epidemiology (non-clinical), Evolution, Population genetics