Harry Bryden is an oceanographer known for his outstanding contributions to the acquisition and analysis of climate data. His work on the heat flow within the Earth’s seas and oceans has helped to demonstrate the important role played by the planet’s water in the global climate system.
Harry’s work has shed light on diverse areas of oceanography, and over the course of his career he has monitored the temperature and circulation of the planet’s most important ocean currents. He has also studied the way in which the Strait of Gibraltar affects the exchange of water between the North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, and its potential impact on the Mediterranean’s level of salinity.
A Professor of Oceanography at the University of Southampton, Harry has been elected a member of the premier learned societies in his field. In recognition of his fundamental contributions to climate science, he was awarded the 2009 Prince Albert I Medal of the International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean and the 2013 Fridtjof Nansen Medal by the European Geosciences Union.
Subject groups
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Physical oceanography, Climate sciences
Engineering and Materials Science
Fluid dynamics, Instrumentation