Professor Malcolm Brown FRS

Malcolm Brown is a neuroscientist best known for his studies into the neural bases of learning and memory. Malcolm studies the responses of cells (neurons) in the brain whilst memory tasks are being performed. His aim is to expand understanding of memory mechanisms by establishing exactly which changes in the brain are crucial to memory. His work has enhanced our understanding of conditions that affect memory, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Malcolm’s highly revealing experiments have expanded our knowledge of the neural bases of memory. In particular, by recording the activity of single neurons in animals performing recognition memory tasks, he found that the perirhinal cortex of the brain is essential for long-term recognition memory. This important work overturned previous theories concerning mechanisms of memory.

He is currently Emeritus Professor of Anatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Bristol, and has been a key contributor to the Centre for Synaptic Plasticity — a joint venture between the university and the Medical Research Council. Malcolm has published over 100 papers in his field.

Professional position

  • Professor of Anatomy and Cognitive Neuroscience (Emeritus), Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Bristol

Subject groups

  • Anatomy, physiology and neurosciences

    Behavioural neuroscience, Animal (especially mammalian) and human physiology and anatomy (non-clinical), Cellular neuroscience

Professor Malcolm Brown FRS
Elected 2004