11 - 20 of 76 results

  • From geoengineering to gene drives: move over, moratoria

    Back then conversations revolved around geoengineering – techniques to reduce global warming by intervening in the Earth’s climate system – and whether a ban on geoengineering research should be adopted by the ... Back in Hyderabad in 2012 a

  • Regulation of geoengineering

    The Society’s responses to the Select Committee builds on our report ‘Geoengineering the climate: Science, governance and uncertainty’.

  • Managing climate change

    In 2009, the Royal Society produced a report, “Geoengineering the Climate”, that looked at some of the techniques available. ... Geoengineering is a term that can produce an emotive and negative reaction in many people.

  • Journal - Proceedings of the Royal Society A

    Solar geoengineering to reduce climate change: a review of governance proposals

    Sep 27, 2019 - Although solar geoengineering (alternatively ‘solar radiation management’ or ‘solar radiation modification’) appears to offer a potentially effective, inexpensive and technologically feasible additional response to climate change, it would

  • Journal - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

    Geoengineering, climate change scepticism and the ‘moral hazard’ argument: an experimental study of UK public…

    Dec 28, 2014 - Many commentators have expressed concerns that researching and/or developing geoengineering technologies may undermine support for existing climate policies—the so-called moral hazard argument. This argument plays a central role in policy debates

  • Journal - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

    Developing a test-bed for robust research governance of geoengineering: the contribution of ocean iron biogeochemistry

    Nov 28, 2016 - Geoengineering to mitigate climate change has long been proposed, but remains nebulous. Exploration of the feasibility of geoengineering first requires the development of research governance to move beyond the conceptual towards scientifically

  • Journal - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

    Solar geoengineering to limit the rate of temperature change

    Dec 28, 2014 - Solar geoengineering has been suggested as a tool that might reduce damage from anthropogenic climate change. Analysis often assumes that geoengineering would be used to maintain a constant global mean temperature. Under this scenario,

  • Journal - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

    Exploring early public responses to geoengineering

    Sep 13, 2012 - Proposals for geoengineering the Earth's climate are prime examples of emerging or ‘upstream’ technologies, because many aspects of their effectiveness, cost and risks are yet to be researched, and in many cases are highly uncertain. This paper

  • Journal - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

    Solar geoengineering as part of an overall strategy for meeting the 1.5°C Paris target

    May 13, 2018 - Solar geoengineering refers to deliberately reducing net radiative forcing by reflecting some sunlight back to space, in order to reduce anthropogenic climate changes; a possible such approach would be adding aerosols to the stratosphere. If future

  • Solar radiation management governance

    Solar radiation management governance. This initiative aims to ensure that any geoengineering research that goes ahead, inside or outside the laboratory, is environmentally sound. ... It reviews the different perspectives and governance possibilities,


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