Sir Peter Knight FRS

Peter Knight is a physicist renowned for his pioneering research into quantum optics. His forty years of work on the nonclassical properties of light and the theoretical underpinnings of quantum computing have established him as an influential figure within the wider UK physics community.

Peter was the first to predict that atoms in the presence of intense laser fields would radiate waves corresponding to high harmonics, and led the way in the development of code to describe the impact such fields would have on atomic systems.

Alongside his many other roles, Peter served as the first non-US based President of the Optical Society of America in 2004, and was President of the Institute of Physics from 2011 to 2013. In recognition of his work in optical physics, he was knighted in the Queen’s 2005 Birthday Honours List.

Professional position

  • Professor and Senior Research Investigator, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London
  • Chair of the Quantum Metrology Institute, National Physical Laboratory

Subject groups

  • Astronomy and Physics

    Quantum theory


  • Royal Medal

    For his pioneering research and international leadership in the field of quantum optics and quantum information science.

Sir Peter Knight FRS
Elected 1999
Committees Participated Role
Newton International Fellowships Committee January 2024 - December 2025 Member
International Collaboration Awards Committee December 2023 - December 2026 Chair
Sectional Committee 2: Astronomy and physics December 2016 - October 2019 Member
Research Appointment Panel A(i) January 2008 - December 2013 Chair
Evaluation Panel September 2006 - January 2009 Chair
Hooke Committee April 2006 - December 2009 Chair
Audit Committee January 2006 - December 2010 Member
Council December 2005 - November 2007 Member
Physical Sciences Awards Committee January 2002 - December 2004 Member
Sectional Committee 2: Astronomy and physics December 2001 - November 2004 Member