Science and the law

This programme brings together scientists and members of the judiciary to discuss key areas of common interest and to ensure that the best scientific guidance is available to the courts.

Programmes of work

Primers for the courts

The judicial primers project is a unique collaboration between members of the judiciary, the Royal Society and the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Designed to assist the judiciary when handling scientific evidence in the courtroom, the primers have been written by leading scientists, peer reviewed by scientists and legal practitioners, and approved by the Councils of the Royal Society and the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Each judicial primer presents an easily understood and accurate position on a scientific topic relevant to the courts. It outlines and clarifies the science underpinning the topic, highlighting its limitations and the challenges associated with its application in a judicial context. Each primer is distributed to courts in conjunction with the Judicial College, the Judicial Institute, and the Judicial Studies Board for Northern Ireland. Two of the primers have been translated into Arabic.

Our work is governed by the Primers Steering Group:

  • Dame Anne Rafferty DBE PC
  • Lord Hughes of Ombersley FRS
  • Professor Dame Sue Black DBE FRSE FRS
  • Sir Charles Godfray CBE FRS
  • Lord Justice Peter Jackson
  • Dame Julie Maxton DBE
  • Professor Barry Smith
  • Professor Niamh Nic Daéid FRSE
  • Professor Sarah Skerratt
  • Lord Beckett
  • Mr Justice Wall
  • Lord Weir
  • Mrs Justice Yip

The full list of published primers can be downloaded below. If you have suggestions for further topics in the primer series, please contact

The next primer in the series will be on Drugs and Toxicology.

International collaboration

In 2023, the Royal Society’s Science and the law programme hosted its first international conference in collaboration with the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. The conference convened leading scientists and prominent members of the legal community. Delegates from the UK and US discussed the approaches used by courts in their consideration, evaluation and management of scientific evidence and expert witnesses.

Download the conference report.

Judicial training

The Royal Society has held a series of regional lectures in in partnership with the Judicial College as part of their professional development programme. These have included:

  • Fact and Fiction in Brain Imaging hosted by Professor Raymond Dolan FMedSci FRS
  • What makes decisions autonomous hosted by Dr Steve Fleming
  • DNA and the law hosted by Professor Gilean McVean FMedSci FRS

The Royal Society has also partnered with the Judicial College to run Continuing Professional Development training for Circuit Judges and Recorders as part of the Judicial College criminal and family training prospectus. To date we have delivered the following seminars:

  • Probability and the Law led by Sir David Spiegelhalter OBE FRS
  • Substance addiction and the brain led by Professor Barry Everitt FMedSci FRS
  • Memory led by Professor Richard Morris CBE FMedSci FRS
  • Probability and the Law led by Professor Philip Dawid FRS


Designed for senior judges, each seminar focuses on a scientific topic that is encountered in the courts on a regular basis or is anticipated to underpin an increasing number of cases in the coming years. Seminars typically consist of two presentations, one from a senior member of the judiciary and another from an eminent scientist, followed by a chaired discussion.

The seminar series is overseen by a steering committee comprising Professor Raymond Dolan FMedSci FRS, Dame Anne Rafferty DBE PC, Lord Hughes of Ombersley FRS, Lord Justice Peter Jackson and Dame Julie Maxton DBE.

Past seminars in the series have been:

Host: Dr Julie Maxton

Chair: Lord Hughes

Mr Justice Irwin
Professor Ray Dolan FMedSci FRS

Host: Dr Julie Maxton

Chair: Sir Brian Leveson

Lord Hughes
Sir David Spiegelhalter OBE FRS
Professor Peter Donnelly FMedSci FRS

Host: Dr Julie Maxton

Chair: Mr Justice Charles

Lady Hale
Professor Chris Frith FBA FMedSci FRS
Dr Steve Fleming

Host: Dr Julie Maxton

Chair: Mr Justice Foskett

Dame Caroline Swift
Professor Irene Tracey FMedSci

Host: Dr Julie Maxton

Chair: Peter Donnelly

Lord Justice Kitchin
Professor Andrew Blake FREng FRS
Dr Sandra Wachter

Host: Dr Julie Maxton

Chair: Sir Brian Leveson

Lady Justice Rafferty
Professor Barry Everitt FMedSci FRS
Professor John Marsden

Host: Dr Julie Maxton

Chair: Lord David Neuberger PC FRS

Dr Robin Lovell-Badge CBE FMedSci FRS
Lord Justice Peter Jackson

Host: Dr Julie Maxton

Chair: Lord Justice Richard McCombe

Professor Karl Friston FMedSci FRS
Mr Justice Robert Jay

Host: Dr Julie Maxton

Chair: Lady Justice Anne Rafferty

Professor Sethu Vijayakumar FRSE
Professor Paul Newman FREng
Mr Justice Andrew Popplewell

Host: Dr Julie Maxton

Chair: Lord Justice Colman Treacy

Professor Essi Viding
Dr Arielle Baskin-Sommers
Mr Justice Nigel Sweeney

Host: Dr Julie Maxton

Chair: Lord Patrick Hodge

Sir William Blair
Dr Sarah Meiklejohn

Host: Dr Julie Maxton

Chair: Lord Anthony Hughes

Dr Zeb Kurth-Nelson
Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb

Host: Dr Julie Maxton

Chair: Lady Justice Thirlwall

Dr Vint Cerf
Lord Sales

Host: Dr Julie Maxton

Chair: Lady Justice King

Professor Peter Goodfellow
Lord Justice Peter Jackson (on behalf of Mrs Justice Leiven)

Host: Dr Julie Maxton

Chair: Lady Justice Kate Thirlwall DBE

Professor Adrian Owen
Lord Justice Jonathan Baker
Professor Barry Smith

Host: Dr Julie Maxton

Chair: Dame Angela McLean DBE FRS

Professor Eric Wolff FRS
Lord John Thomas of Cwmgiedd
Mr Justice Ian Dove

Host: Dr Julie Maxton

Chair: Lord Justice Andrew Popplewell

Professor Chris Brewin
Dr Lucy Foulkes
Simeon Maskrey KC

Host: Dr Julie Maxton

Chair: Professor Dame Sarah Worthington

Lord Justice Peter Fraser
Professor Steven Murdoch

Host: Dr Julie Maxton

Chair: Mrs Justice Lucy Theis

Lord Justice Clive Lewis
Dr Olivier Sibony