Our Open Access Membership programme has grown in the last few months with more universities joining to support their researchers to publish open access.

Our Open Access Membership programme has grown in the last few months with more universities joining to support their researchers to publish open access.
The programme enables universities to support researchers whose funding mandates them to publish using the open access model and those who choose open access publishing. Prepay and standard membership options provide flexibility and control for institutions, and better value publishing for researchers. One of the newest members of the programme is University of Oslo.
“We are very pleased to offer the scholars at University of Oslo the discount we have through the Open Access membership programme with Royal Society.
This will make it possible for more authors to choose Open Access when they publish their articles and ensure that research results reach even more readers.”
Stine Marie Barsjø, University of Oslo Library
University of Florida, Tufts University, Tampere University and University of Oslo have recently been added to the full list of OA members.
“The growth of our OA membership in North America is really interesting,” said Rebecca Ashworth, OA consultant, Royal Society Publishing. “Europe is still considered to be ahead in the transition to open access, but we are having several conversations with institutions in the US that suggest the uptake in OA is growing.”
Royal Society Publishing offers two types of OA membership.
Standard membership
The membership fee is calculated to reflect the number of open access articles researchers from an institution published in the Royal Society’s journals during the previous year. Researchers affiliated to that institution then receive a 25% discount on the article processing charge.
Prepay membership
This membership allows institutions to deposit funds with the Royal Society that can be drawn down to cover all of part of article processing charges. Prepay members receive a 10% discount.
Contact us to see how our OA membership can help your institution support researchers who need to publish open access email OAM@royalsociety.org.