We welcome Associate Editor Zegni Triki to the Proceedings B editorial board.

Zegni Triki photo portrait with arms folded.

New Associate Editor, Zegni Triki from the Institute of Ecology & Evolution, Bern University, Switzerland started her term as an Associate Editor in January 2024. We asked Zegni a few questions about her background, current research, and motivation behind joining the journal’s editorial board.

Tell us more about your field of research?

I am a veterinary surgeon by training, and I have worked as a veterinarian in rural Algeria for a few years. Later, I switched to academia and moved to Switzerland. Currently, I work as a behavioural physiologist/ecologist. My research interest is focused on studying the brain-behaviour relationship within and between species of ectotherms, mainly fish. I conduct my research within an ecological and evolutionary framework to comprehend how individuals and species adapt to their ecological conditions. My work implements an experimental approach that integrates animal physiology, neurobiology, endocrinology, ecology and life-history to understand variation in cognitive performance among individuals and, ultimately, the evolution of cognitive abilities. 

What prompted you to work in this field?

In addition to the growing scientific interest that I developed since my first research project on fish physiology and behavior during my master’s studies, I find immense personal enjoyment in travelling to diverse places around the world and exploring the various coral reefs and their fabulous fish communities living there. Being underwater and witnessing how these animals solve conflicts, defend territories, or care for their nests, makes me wonder about the mechanisms of their decision-making and what regulates the tremendous variation that we see.


Zegni Triki in scuba diving gear, swimming underwater near a reef, with a large spotted fish swimming by.

Why did you join the Proceedings B Editorial Board? 

I have always had a deep respect and admiration for the Proceedings B journal and the outstanding work it publishes. I am honoured to be offered the opportunity to join the journal as a member of the Editorial Board team. Serving as an associate editor will be a rewarding experience on various levels. I will have the privilege of working alongside renowned experts in the field of biological sciences and will be offered the opportunity to contribute my knowledge and expertise to the scientific community while also learning in the process.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to submit to Proceedings B?

I appreciate that academic work is a collaborative effort where seeking advice and feedback from others can greatly improve our own work. This process has been very helpful for me in improving my work before submission and also in determining whether it is suitable for the intended journal.

Proceedings B is looking to publish more high-quality research articles and reviews in behavioural ecology. If you have an idea for a review, we strongly encourage you to submit a proposal. Find out more about the submission process.

Image credits:
1- Zegni Triki
2- Redouan Bshary 


  • Shalene Singh-Shepherd

    Shalene Singh-Shepherd

    Senior Publishing Editor, Proceedings B