Leeuwenhoek Medal and Lecture

This medal recognises excellence in the field of microbiology, bacteriology, virology, mycology and parasitology, and microscopy.

The award

The Leeuwenhoek Medal and Lecture. It was originally established to recognise excellence in the field of microbiology but now also includes excellence in bacteriology, virology, mycology and parasitology, and microscopy. The lectureship was named after the Dutch microscopist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek FRS, often referred to as the ‘Father of Microbiology’, and is supported by a bequest from George Gabb. Originally it was held annually, and from 2006 to 2018 it was awarded triennially, but it is now awarded biennially. The lecture was first given in 1950. The medal is of bronze, is awarded biennially and is accompanied by a gift of £2,000.


The Leeuwenhoek medal and lecture is open to UK/Commonwealth/Republic of Ireland citizens or those who have been residents for three or more years. There are no restrictions on career stage and nominations will remain valid and shall be considered by the award selection committee throughout three nomination cycles.       

Nominations are closed

Nominations are closed and will reopen in November 2026.

Past winners

  • Joanne P Webster
    Awarded in 2023

    Professor Joanne P Webster FMedSci

    For her achievements in advancing control of disease in humans and animals caused by parasites in Asia and Africa.
  • Sjors Scheres
    Awarded in 2021

    Dr Sjors Scheres FRS

    For ground-breaking contributions and innovations in image analysis and reconstruction methods in electron cryo-microscopy, enabling the structure determination of complex macromolecules of fundamental biological and medical importance to atomic resolution.
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    Awarded in 2019

    Professor Geoffrey Smith FMedSci FRS

    Delivered lecture: 'Poxvirus research after smallpox eradication: new findings with an old vaccine'.
  • Sarah Cleaveland
    Awarded in 2017

    Professor Sarah Cleaveland OBE FMedSci FRS

    Delivered lecture: 'Can we make rabies history? Realising the value of research for the global elimination of rabies'.
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    Awarded in 2015

    Professor Jeffery Errington FMedSci FRS

    Delivered lecture: 'Bacterial cell walls, antibiotics and the origins of life'.
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    Awarded in 2012

    Dr Brad Amos FRS

    Delivered lecture: 'How new science is transforming the optical microscope'.
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    Awarded in 2010

    Professor Robert Webster FRS

    Delivered lecture: 'Pandemic Influenza: one flu over the cuckoo's nest'.
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    Awarded in 2006

    Dr Richard Crowther FMedSci FRS

    Delivered lecture: 'Microscopy goes cold: frozen viruses reveal their structural secrets'.
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    Awarded in 2005

    Professor Keith Chater FRS

    Delivered lecture: 'Streptomyces indside out: a new perspective on the bacteria that provide us with antibiotics'.
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    Awarded in 2004

    Professor David Sherratt FRS

    Delivered lecture: 'A bugs life'.
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    Awarded in 2003

    Professor Brian Spratt CBE FMedSci FRS

    Delivered lecture: 'Bacterial populations and bacterial disease'.
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    Awarded in 2002

    Dr Stephen West FMedSci FRS

    Delivered lecture: 'DNA repair from microbes to man'.