Board members

Martin Taylor

Martin Taylor is a mathematician who has conducted valuable work on algebraic number theory. Amongst his most significant contributions to the field is the proof of Fröhlich’s conjecture, which connects the symmetries of algebraic integers with a family of analytic functions known as Artin L-functions. A separate insight led him to the invention of a powerful mathematical tool known as the group logarithm, which has allowed for an improved understanding of the symmetries of polynomial functions and led to breakthroughs in the field of algebraic topology. Outside of his academic research, Martin has devoted much of his time to work within the science community, improving the way science and mathematics are taught to students aged 5–19. He chaired the Advisory Group which produced the Royal Society’s report The scientific century (2010), and he also chaired the Royal Society committee for their report Vision for science and mathematics education (2014). From 1998 to 2000, Martin was the President of the London Mathematical Society, and in 2004 was appointed Vice-President and Physical Secretary of the Royal Society, a position he held until 2009. In 2009, he was knighted in the New Year Honours for his services to science. Martin was Warden of Merton College, Oxford, from 2010 to 2018.

Anthony Tomei

Anthony Tomei was CEO of the Nuffield Foundation from 1995 to 2012.   With a background in physics teaching he led the Foundation’s work in science and mathematics education, which included large-scale curriculum projects as well as many influential research projects.  Since retiring from the Foundation he has continued his involvement with science and mathematics education, with particular interests in widening participation in mathematics post-GCSE, the role of mathematics across the whole school curriculum and the importance of mathematical and data sciences in the daily life of the citizen.  He is a Visiting Professor in the department of Education at King's College, London. He was awarded the CBE in 2013, for services to education.

Miles Berry

Miles is Professor of Computing Education at the University of Roehampton. He studied mathematics at university, and then spent 18 years in four schools, much of the time as head of maths and most recently as a head teacher. He teaches on Roehampton's secondary PGCE course as well as an undergraduate module on statistical communication. He has a long interest in the use of technology in mathematics education and on the relationship between computational thinking and mathematical reasoning. He is a board member of England's National Centre for Computing Education, Computing At School and the BCS Academy of Computing. He is a fellow of the BCS, HEA and Chartered College of Teaching. He served on CSTA's board as international representative 2016-2020. Over the years he has contributed to a number of computing related projects including the national curriculum computing programmes of study, Switched on Computing, Barefoot Computing, QuickStart Computing, CAS TV, Project Quantum, Hello World and AI4K12. He gives regular keynotes and CPD workshops on computing and education technology in the UK and abroad and has worked on a number of international projects involving technology, curriculum development and CPD.

Andrew Blake

Andrew Blake is a pioneer in the theory and algorithms that allow computers to behave as seeing machines. In particular he has worked on segmentation as optimization, visual tracking as probabilistic inference, and on real-time, 3D vision.  He is perhaps best known for the development of the Condensation algorithm — a method to allow computers to track and interpret complex visual motion. As Laboratory Director of Microsoft Research Cambridge, Blake was part of the team behind the company's Kinect controller — a revolutionary gaming system capable of sensing the detailed body movements and gestures of its users. In 2018 he established Samsung's AI laboratory in Cambridge UK, and since 2017 has established or advises various AI startup companies, in video-conferencing, self-driving and agritech. Blake is the recipient of the Silver Medal and the MacRobert Gold Medal of the Royal Academy of Engineering. He won the Mountbatten Medal in 2007 from the Institution of Engineering and Technology and in 2014, exactly 80 years after Einstein's lecture, gave the Gibbs lecture at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, on AI Vision. He was elected to the Council of the Royal Society in 2010 and chaired the Royal Society report of 2019 on the Dynamics of Data Science Skills.

Graham Keniston-Cooper

Graham is a private investor and a non-executive director of a number of companies. He had a long career in private equity, involving significant investment, CEO and board experience, including founder Partner at Cinven, CEO of Lazard Private Equity Partners and Head of Morgan Stanley Private Equity in Europe. Prior to his career in private equity Graham worked as Head of Business Development at Kingfisher plc and Senior Consultant at The Boston Consulting Group. He has a first-class honours degree in Mathematics as well as a Masters in Mathematics from Trinity College, Cambridge. He has a particular interest in Mathematics and is a Trustee of National Numeracy, a Governor of King's College London Maths School, Chair of the Development Board of the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge and a member of the Investment Committee of the London Mathematical Society.

Lynne McClure

Lynne is currently Chair of the Education Workstream and member of the Executive Committee of the Academy for Mathematical Sciences. Previous roles include Head of Mathematics Solutions at Cambridge Partnership for Education at the University of Cambridge, Head of Mathematics Solutions at Cambridge Partnership for Education at the University of Cambridge, Director of Cambridge Mathematics, Director of NRICH and PI on the Government funded A-level project Underground Mathematics and, before that, Principal Lecturer and PGCE course leader at two leading UK Universities and Headteacher of a small primary school. Lynne was a member of ACME from 2009 to 2013 and again from 2017 to 2020, and sits on the Royal Society Partnership Grants Panel. She is active in various mathematics education communities including as chair of governors of the Cambridge Maths School, trustee of National Numeracy and MathsWorlduk and fellow of the IMA and ISDDE. She was President of the Mathematical Association in 2014/5. Lynne is the author or editor of many books and articles and is well known as an international conference speaker and professional development lead. In 2022 she was awarded an OBE for services to education. 

Andrew Noyes

Andy is a Professor of Education at the University of Nottingham and the founding Director of the Observatory for Mathematical Education. He joined the University in 2001, after teaching mathematics in a Nottinghamshire secondary school. He led the PGCE and Professional Doctorate programmes before becoming Head of the School of Education (2014-18) and Associate Pro Vice Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange from 2018-20. Andy’s research in mathematics education stretches from primary schools to further and higher education. He was Chair of the Joint Mathematical Council of the UK from 2018-24 and advises a range of projects and organisations

Vanessa Pittard

Vanessa is Deputy Chief Executive of the mathematics education charity MEI. She joined the organisation in 2018 following seven years as an Assistant Director and mathematics policy lead at the Department for Education (DfE), during which time she was responsible, among other areas, for the introduction of Core Maths, the roll-out of Maths Hubs and supporting Sir Adrian Smith’s 2017 review of 16-18 mathematics. Previously, Vanessa was Director of Evidence and Evaluation at the education technology organisation Becta and a Subject Leader at Sheffield Hallam University. In 2018 Vanessa reported to the Royal Society Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education on the integration of data science in the primary and secondary curriculum.  

David Speigelhalter

David Spiegelhalter is Emeritus Professor of Statistics in the Statistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge, having previously held the posts of Winton Professor for the Public Understanding of Risk, and Chair of the Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication.   He works on ways to improve the way that statistical evidence is used by health professionals, patients, lawyers and judges, media and policy-makers.    He presented the BBC4 documentaries “Tails you Win: the Science of Chance”, the award-winning “Climate Change by Numbers”.  His bestselling book, The Art of Statistics, was published in March 2019, and Covid by Numbers came out in September 2021.  His career highlights include appearing on Desert Island Discs in 2022, and in 2011 coming 7th in an episode of BBC1’s Winter Wipeout. He was knighted in 2014 for services to medical statistics, was President of the Royal Statistical Society (2017-2018) and became a Non-Executive Director of the UK Statistics Authority in 2020.   He is @d_spiegel on Twitter, and his home page is