Mathematics education
The Royal Society Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) advises the Society on…
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The Royal Society believes there is a strong case for increasing the mathematical and quantitative skills of young people. This is important not only to satisfy the employment demands of an increasingly technological economy, but more generally to enable them to make sound decisions in life and benefit society. England is unusual among world-leading economies in that the study of mathematics is not universal for all students beyond age 16. At the same time, there is a substantial unmet and increasing demand for mathematically and quantitatively skilled people in the labour market.
A new Royal Society publication concludes that most universities should do more to signal to students the value of mathematics qualifications post-16 as the best preparation for undergraduate studies. This applies to undergraduate courses that have a significant quantitative component as well as others that are often perceived to be less mathematical, as part of a drive to tackle pervasive negative cultural attitudes towards mathematics.
The Society’s position has been informed by research undertaken for it by Careers Research and Development (CRAC), which investigated:
This research found that most universities currently attempt little engagement directly with mainstream pre-16 students or their parents/carers to signal directly the value of studying mathematics post-16, with few expressly demanding more advanced (level 3) mathematics qualifications for entry to quantitative undergraduate courses. It also found that although many universities indicate their support for Core Maths, introduced into the post-16 curriculum in 2014 to provide students with the opportunity to develop their mathematical and quantitative skills, they generally cite it as an acceptable alternative qualification to GCSE Mathematics rather than as a route to studying subjects that require the use of mathematics at a higher level.
Life Beyond GCSE Mathematics (PDF)