Previous work on educational research
Our previous work on educational research includes:
Partnership with the Education Endowment Foundation
The Royal Society and the Education Endowment Foundation co-funded a 2017 review into the connection between socio-economic disadvantage and participation and attainment of pupils in science.
Education research conference
The Royal Society held an international education research conference on the assessment of experimental science in October 2016, in conjunction with the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, the Nuffield Foundation and the Wellcome Trust.
Science Education Tracker
The Royal Society has contributed to a new government-backed survey by the Wellcome Trust of young people’s views and experiences of science within and outside school, and their career aspirations. The Science Education Tracker reports the findings of a 2016 survey of more than 4,000 students in Years 10–13 (aged 14–18) attending state-funded schools in England. The full report is available on the Wellcome Trust's website.
Teacher retention seminar
On 20 March 2018 the Royal Society hosted a seminar on teacher retention in conjunction with the Association for Science Education, the Institute of Physics, the Royal Society of Biology and the Royal Society of Chemistry.