The statement calls on world leaders, particularly those meeting at the G8 Summit in Toyako, Hokkaido, in July 2008 to:
- To make maximum efforts to commit to halving global greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
- Agree, by 2009, a timetable, funding, and a coordinated plan for the construction of a significant number of Carbon Capture and Storage demonstration plants.
- Prepare for the challenges and risks posed by climate change by improving predictive and adaptive capacities at global, national and local level and supporting the developing world in carrying out vulnerability analyses and addressing their findings.
- Take appropriate economic and policy measures to accelerate transition to a low carbon society and to encourage and effect changes in individual and national behaviour.
- Promote science and technology co-operation, innovation and leapfrogging, e.g., by transfer of some basic critical low-carbon and adaptation technologies.
Urge governments to support research on greenhouse gas reduction technologies and climate change impacts.