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Summer Science Exhibition 2003
The Royal Society's Summer Science Exhibition is a unique opportunity to explore some of today's most exciting science and technology research. In July 2003, 20 teams of scientists selected from around the UK, exhibited their outstanding work at the Royal Society in London.
Click on an exhibit below to discover who and what was revealed at this year's Exhibition.
- A brush with design
Durham Pipeline Technology - A spectrum paints a thousand pictures: ancient galaxies viewed in 3 dimensions
University of Cambridge - Damaging winds from European cyclones
University of Reading, Met Office, Risk Management Solutions - Ear, ear: the inner life of the cochlea
University College London - Eureka! Magic potions for a greener environment
University of Leicester, GENACYS Ltd - From oil prospecting to cancer detection
University of Glasgow, University of Dundee, Shell Global Solutions - Fuel cells and catalytic waves - combustion demise... fuel cell rise
University of Birmingham - Guppy love: sex and speciation
University of St Andrews - How steroids switch off inflammation: rewinding DNA
Imperial College London - Ice station zero
Natural Environment Research Council - Mars, life and Beagle 2
The Open University, University of Leicester, Mullard Space Sciences Laboratory, University College London, and numerous institutions - Mate choice
University of Newcastle - Movers and shakers - performing structures
University of Bristol - Mr Hooke - the hidden face of genius
The Royal Society, Library and Information Services - Out of Africa: Sorghum, the sustainable cereal
University of East Anglia, University of Pretoria, Institute of Food Research, Rothamsted Research - Science adventures in orchid conservation
Writhlington School, Bath - Seeing is believing: molecules on surfaces in real space and time
University of Cambridge - Speech in the brain: interactions with learning, faces and cultural differences
University College London, Hammersmith Hospital, John Radcliffe Hospital - Taking pictures with a time machine
Imperial College London - Touchy-feely fungi: sensory recognition by fungal plant pathogens
Rothamsted Research, Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, University of Oxford