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Manuscript Culture and the New Philosophy 1600-1727
A joint meeting organised by the Royal Society and Kings College London
The founders of the Royal Society of London were explicit in their aim to 'make faithful Records', both of their own observations and experiments, and those found in the writings of other philosophers. However, unlike their engagement with print culture, the different ways in which new philosophers engaged with manuscript culture have remained relatively unstudied. This conference seeks to understand more about the way manuscript texts were used by new philosophers, both individually and corporately. Speakers include Kate Bennett, Frances Harris, Michael Hunter, Rob Iliffe, Lisa Jardine, William Poole and Angus Vine. Representatives from the Wellcome Library and the Royal Society Library will also speak about their collections.
For further information or if you would like to register to attend this meeting, please contact Felicity Henderson ( by 31 May 2007.