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Summer Science Exhibition 2009
The 2009 Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition is now over - but you can still enjoy the exhibition online.
- Accelerators everywhere: from the Big Bang to curing cancer - University of Oxford, CERN, Cockcroft Institute and ASTeC, Diamond Light Source, Royal Holloway, University of London, ISIS, Surrey Ion Beam centre
- Artist placement: Leah Newman
- Behind the scenes at the Evolution MegaLab - The Open University, University of Reading, University of Sheffield, University of Manchester, University College London
- Can what happens in the womb last a lifetime? - Imperial College London, King’s College London
- Chasing cancer with a flash of light - Royal Free Hospital, University College London
- Designs for Life - The Oxford Trust, Diamond Light Source , Oxfordshire Federation of the Women’s Institute
- Do you feel like a vet? - The Royal Veterinary College
- Domestic science: Victorian naturalists at home
- Fishing for clues: why medical researchers are glowing with excitement - University of Sheffield
- From fossils to photography: Victorian science
- From the oldest light to the youngest stars: the Herschel and Planck Missions - Cardiff University, University of Manchester, Imperial College London, University of Cambridge, Mullard Space Science Laboratory, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
- Holey rocks - Loughborough University, University of Southampton
- How do shapes fill space? - The Open University, Imperial College London, University of Leicester, Royal Institution, British Museum and Birkbeck College, London
- Ladybird, ladybird: unravelling the story of an alien invader - Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, University of Cambridge, Anglia Ruskin University, Rothamsted Research, University of Hull
- Nature's raincoats - Nottingham Trent University
- Our cosmic origins: building the Milky Way - Durham University, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Germany
- Plastics from potatoes and rubber from rice - University of Leicester
- Quantum of sol - the next generation of solar cells - Imperial College London
- Science of the oceans - University of Southampton
- The Chewing Robot: a new biologically-inspired way to test dental materials - University of Bristol
- The magic of computer science - Nottingham Trent University, University of Oxford
- The Palaeodetectives: digging up small molecules with big messages from the past - University of Bristol
- The power of sound - Coventry University
- The Snapdragon's tale - John Innes Centre, University of East Anglia
- The teenage brain - a work in progress - Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, Max Planck Institute for History of Science, Germany, Birkbeck College, University of Londo
- You're never too young to be a research scientist - Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys