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Schools talk: Your lying brain - can you believe what you see?

06 July 2016 09:30 - 14:15

A schools-only talk by Dr Jenny Bizley, asking if you should always trust your brain’s interpretations.

Seeing and hearing allows us to make sense of the world around us, but should you always trust your brain’s interpretation? Our brains process hundreds of sensory inputs at once, but only recently have we discovered how much our sensory systems interact. 

In this interactive talk, Dr Jenny Bizley explores perception versus reality and if we can explain what’s happening inside our brains.

Dr Jenny Bizley is a Royal Society University Research Fellow, currently working at the UCL Ear Institute. Jenny seeks to link the patterns of neural activity in the auditory cortex to our perception of the world around us.

Running times

This talk is 30 minutes long, running on:

  • Wednesday 6 July at 10.30am, 12 noon, 1.30pm, 2.45pm 
  • Friday 8 July at 1.30pm, 2.45pm

Attending the event

This talk is exclusive to pre-registered school groups.

  • Seats allocated on a first-come, first-served basis
  • Doors open 15 minutes before and we encourage schools to arrive early to guarantee a place
  • This event is part of the Royal Society's Summer Science Exhibition 2016

For all enquiries, please contact