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Beyond Challenger: a new age of deep-sea science and exploration

12 - 13 November 2018 09:00 - 17:00

Scientific discussion meeting organised by Dr Kerry Howell, Professor Paul Tyler, Dr Alan Jamieson and Dr Bhavani Narayanaswamy

The deep-sea is the largest ecosystem on earth covering 60% of the planet’s surface. However, our fundamental knowledge of this ecosystem has been limited by the logistical challenges of conducting research in this environment. This meeting explored how recent developments in autonomous and robotic technologies could bring about a step-change in deep-sea research, ultimately revolutionising understanding of global biodiversity.

The schedule of talks and speaker biographies are available below. Recorded audio of the presentations will be available on this page soon.

Enquiries: Contact the Scientific Programmes team.


  • Dr Kerry Howell, Plymouth University, UK

    Dr Kerry Howell is an Associate Professor at Plymouth University and head of the Deep Sea Conservation Research Unit. Kerry holds a BSc in Marine Biology from Swansea University (1997), and PhD in Deep-Sea Ecology from Southampton University (2002). She has participated in 16 research cruises and is highly experienced in the use of robotic and autonomous systems for benthic biological research. From an academic perspective her research is focused on understanding biodiversity patterns in the deep sea, including faunal zonation and species turnover with depth, as well as speciation along the depth gradient. However her real focus is in applying ecological research to support the design of effective marine protected area networks, including the creation of reliable habitat maps, and models of population connectivity that under-pin the design.

  • Emeritus Professor Paul Tyler MBE, University of Southampton, UK

    Paul Alan Tyler MBE DSc read Oceanography and Zoology at the University of Swansea and graduated in 1972. Paul started a research programme on benthic ecology in the Bristol Channel specializing in the ecology and reproductive biology of ophiuroids. He obtained his PhD in 1976. Paul was appointed a research demonstrator and subsequently lecturer/senior lecturer in Swansea (1974-1988). He transferred to the Oceanography department at the University of Southampton in 1988 and was appointed Personal Chair in 1994, the same year he was awarded a DSc. Paul’s special research interests include deep-sea biology especially reproductive processes, hydrothermal vents and seeps, cold water corals, canyons. He has taken part in over 60 deep-sea cruises and 80 submersible dives. Paul has been a PI or co-PI on many EU and NERC grants including ChEsSo for the discovery of hydrothermal vents in Antarctica. Paul retired in 2014 and was awarded an MBE for contributions to science. Paul is now an Emeritus Professor at Southampton.

  • Dr Alan Jamieson, Newcastle University, UK

    Dr Alan Jamieson is a senior lecturer in deep-sea biology at Newcastle University, UK. His research focusses on the biological exploration of the hadal zone. He has designed multiple Hadal-Landers and has deployed them nearly 250 times in the trenches of the Pacific Ocean and surrounding areas. He has participated in, and often led, 50 deep-sea expeditions. He has published over 80 scientific papers and sole authored the book The Hadal Zone, life in the deepest oceans (2015). He is a fellow of the Royal Geographic Society and is currently the Chief Scientist on a forthcoming round-the-world deep-sea expedition (2018-2019).

  • Dr Bhavani Narayanaswamy, Scottish Association for Marine Science, UK

    Dr Bhavani Narayanaswamy is a benthic ecologist focusing on deep-sea and Arctic ecosystems, specifically studying the impacts of biotic, abiotic and anthropogenic inputs on the faunal community. Bhavani's main research focus is investigating the diversity, composition and structure of deep-water fauna living on/in the sediments and how these relate to the different environmental variables that interact and influence the fauna, e.g. rapid temperature changes, habitat heterogeneity, impacts from a changing climate. She is particularly interested in the fauna that live on seamounts and banks as well as the soft sediment found on the continental margins in all the major oceans including the NE Atlantic and polar seas. In addition, Bhavani is looking at distribution and composition of plastics, specifically microplastics, found in the marine environment especially within the deep sea as it is hypothesised that the deep sea may be the final repository for this pollutant.



Professor Michael Rex, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA

09:05 - 09:30 Before HMS Challenger: from earlier expeditions to lobbying for the deep

The voyage of HMS Challenger from 1872 to 1876 is often credited with laying the foundations of modern oceanography, as a consequence of its global scope and multidisciplinary approach, which opened up the "sealed interior" of the oceans described by Matthew Fontaine Maury two decades earlier. But the Challenger expedition did not spring fully formed into existence; it built on knowledge and experience obtained by earlier expeditions, such as the Royal Society's charters of HMS Lightning in 1867 and HMS Porcupine in 1868 and 1869 for scientific investigations in the northeast Atlantic. Obtaining government backing for a global voyage of exploration also involved considerable lobbying by William Carpenter, through public talks and mobilising the support of notable 19th century scientists including Charles Lyell, Thomas Huxley, John Tyndall, and William Herschel. The eventual award of £200,000 for the Challenger expedition, equivalent to around £29.5 million today, was driven by promised vistas of scientific discovery and the importance of understanding more about the ocean floor for laying submarine telegraph cables. In this talk Dr Copley will outline the circumstances that gave rise to the Challenger expedition, and how it secured a lasting legacy among other voyages of ocean exploration during the same period.

Dr Jon Copley, University of Southampton, UK

09:30 - 10:00 What lives in the deep-sea? A not-so-ancient answer to an ancient question

In the early days of deep-sea exploration, it was quite acceptable in the scientific community to wonder if any animals at all can live in the deep sea, and if they were there, what on earth they might look like. Ancient lineages of life that have long since gone extinct in our shallow seas? Giant monsters with peculiar adaptations to the cold and dark? Today these old-fashioned questions would probably not pass through a grant-awarding committee. Simply knowing what is there is not enough. Science demands numbers, functions, genomes, applications. But the simple truth is that every deep-sea biologist, waiting on the back deck of a ship for their samples to come up, or watching the screen of an ROV, still ponders these questions - with a remarkably open-mind as to what on earth they might find. It is a common refrain to hear that ‘most of the deep-sea is unexplored’. However, this is not entirely true. We do actually have rather a lot of samples and knowledge of the deep sea. The main issue is that those samples, and the treasures they hold, are not being described, archived and communicated in the comprehensive manner that so defined the Challenger expedition. In my talk, I will propose a 21st century approach to an old problem - what lives in the deep sea?

Dr Adrian Glover, Natural History Museum, UK

10:00 - 10:30 Discussion
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee
11:00 - 11:20 End-to-end understanding of energy flow at hydrothermal vents

Hydrothermal vents form ephemeral deep-sea habitats that occur along seafloor spreading centres and subduction zones as well as in association with volcanic seamounts. Diverse chemotrophic microbial communities form the base of the food web. These bacteria take advantage of redox disequilibria and a variety of carbon sources to gain “energy” for growth and cell maintenance. Ultimately, this chemosynthetic primary production supports localised, high metazoan biomass in relation to the surrounding deep-sea. Stable isotopes are often used by geochemists, microbiologists and ecologists to understand geochemical processes and “energy” flow through biological systems. Ecologists require an understanding of the basal and primary producer stable isotope dynamics in order to place in context the stable isotope values of metazoan consumers. However, there are often spatial and temporal mismatches in sample collection within many hydrothermal vent fields which hinder our understanding of trophic interactions and “energy” flow from the mantle to the consumer. There is currently a requirement for synthesis within the stable isotope literature that will identify key data gaps, which may bridge disciplines, to be filled. This will allow the development of multi-level isotopic landscapes or “isoscapes” over hydrothermal vent fields which will provide better understanding of the primary production utilised by consumers. Moving forward, these “isoscapes” need to work in parallel with the development of processed based models that will allow analysis and prediction of key biochemical processes that shape the “energy” landscape within hydrothermal vents.

Dr William Reid, Newcastle University, UK

11:20 - 11:45 Into the great wide open: plumbing ocean depths in the 21st century

Expanding global interest in the extraction of living and non-living resources from Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction creates both opportunity and challenge. Opportunity for economic benefits from the deep sea juxtaposes challenges in sustainable use of the Earth’s largest, most pristine, and least known habitats. The deep ocean faces stressors from distant sources as climate change warms, acidifies and de-oxygenates deep waters in which microplastics and other human waste are now nearly ubiquitous. Fortunately, new technologies paired with developments in marine conservation and area-based management tools, such as marine protected areas (MPA), offer potential pathways to effective strategies for sustaining deep-sea ecosystems. Rapidly emerging technologies (genetics, imaging, sensors and observation platforms, data and modelling) can inform effective MPA design and management in deep-sea environments, drawing on new approaches to map habitats, evaluate their spatial extent and connectivity, and informing size and spacing elements. Collectively, these tools can help address the unique conservation issues for deep-sea biota (sparse data, low population size, many rare species, examples of late reproducers with limited fecundity) and ecosystems (lack of habitat maps, expansive habitat types interspersed with discrete and sometimes rare and specialized habitats) that require considerations beyond those that drive MPA design in terrestrial and coastal habitats. This discussion will draw from MPA examples in which we consider the need to include a 3D dimension in “protection” when addressing deep-sea ecosystems.

Dr Paul Snelgrove, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada

11:45 - 12:15 Discussion


Dr Ana Hilario, CESAM, University of Aveiro, Portugal

13:15 - 13:45 High-resolution imaging in marine habitats using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

This talk will describe insights gained from a decade of autonomous marine systems development at the University of Sydney’s Australian Centre for Field Robotics. Over the course of this time, this group has developed and deployed numerous underwater vehicles and imaging platforms in support of applications in engineering science, marine ecology, archaeology and geoscience. The group has operated an Australia-wide benthic observing program designed to deliver precisely navigated, repeat imagery of the seafloor. This initiative makes extensive use of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) to collect high-resolution stereo imagery, multibeam sonar and water column measurements on an annual or semi-annual basis at sites around Australia, spanning the full latitudinal range of the continent from tropical reefs in the north to temperate regions in the south. The program has been very successful over the past decade, collecting millions of images of the seafloor around Australia and making these available to the scientific community through online data portals developed by the facility and affiliated groups. These observations are providing important insights into the dynamics of key ecological sites and their responses to changes in oceanographic conditions through time. The group has also contributed to expeditions to document coral bleaching, cyclone recovery, submerged neolithic settlement sites, ancient shipwrecks, methane seeps and deepwater hydrothermal vents. The talk will also consider how automated tools for working with this imagery have facilitated the resulting science outcomes and will explore opportunities to extend these techniques to the study of deep-sea science and exploration.

Professor Stefan B Williams, University of Sydney, Australia

13:45 - 14:15 Whole site multi-resolution photogrammetric surveys of deep-sea vents and cold seeps

There are many applications in marine science and monitoring that require high-resolution images of the seafloor to be obtained. However, the resolution of underwater observations are often at a trade-off with the extent over which they can be made, and this limits their usefulness in non-uniform seafloor environments where the distribution of features varies over spatial scales much larger than the footprint that can be observed, for example in a single image frame. This talk will describe recent efforts to address scale relevance in seafloor imaging applications by using autonomous underwater vehicles instrumented with systems that can image the seafloor from different altitudes, and build multi-hectare 3D visual reconstructions of the seafloor with resolutions with sufficiently high-resolution where needed. This allows continuous wide-area, multi-resolution 3D reconstructions of the seafloor to be generated, allowing patterns to be explored and interpreted over a large range of spatial scales that would not otherwise be possible. This approach will be described giving examples of data recently obtained in deep-sea hydrothermal vent and gas hydrate fields.

Dr Blair Thornton, University of Southampton, UK

14:15 - 14:45 Discussion
14:45 - 15:15 Tea
15:15 - 15:45 An overview of recent developments in artificial intelligence and its potential applications to deep-sea exploration

AI in general and machine learning in particular have created a great deal of recent interest, not to mention hyperbole. In this talk, Jeremy Wyatt and Mohan Sridharan will give a whistle-stop tour of the current state of AI. The speakers shall describe fundamental algorithmic advances in perception, reasoning, manipulation and learning. The emphasis will be on the nature and properties of algorithms that may have utility in deep-sea exploration. Although the speakers are not currently working on AUVs, they will discuss some case studies from their own work and that of others. The talk will also cover the obvious challenges in practical deployment and some ways that these challenges may be overcome.

Professor Jeremy Wyatt, University of Birmingham, UK

Dr Mohan Sridharan, University of Birmingham, UK

15:45 - 16:15 Sampling our oceans and issues of taxonomic identification

A severe bottleneck exists in the ecological study of our oceans and seas. This has arisen because net-sampling, having been the mainstay of biological oceanographers for over a century, has not provided sufficient data of the distributions, dynamics and populations of important taxa to answer questions posed by researchers today and in the future. In the last decade or so, in-situ, towed or ship-based imaging instruments have been developed that potentially may be able to address the shortfall. These instruments can, and will, provide denser spatial and temporal sampling that is more cost-effective than is possible with net sampling. However, there is problem. We do not have enough skilled people to identify the video and photographic hauls from the water.

Artificial Intelligence has been mooted as the solution, automating identification using the latest ideas in Deep Learning. However, to be successful in using computers to automate taxonomic identification of organisms, the machines will have to learn from the vast literature that describes our natural world. Deep learning is beginning to revolutionise computer-based visual recognition, but it must be tied to natural language and the descriptions that people make in the scientific literature to be able make the transition from laboratory-sized machine classifiers to globally useful tools. We must integrate the existing taxonomic knowledge that is written and drawn with emerging AI tools. Culverhouse will explore this issue.

Dr Philip Culverhouse, Plymouth University, UK

16:15 - 16:45 Discussion


Dr Christopher R German MBE, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA

09:00 - 09:30 Remotely Operated Vehicles: taking us to new depths in ocean exploration, science and communication

Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) have been an essential part of the deep-sea tool kit since the 1980s. They act as our scientific eyes, ears and hands in a world where we cannot easily venture. ROVs have revolutionised our ability to perform tasks previously considered near impossible in the deep ocean, including the high-resolution mapping and imaging of a variety of communities and habitats, the collection of delicate specimens or detailed environmental data, and the deployment and recovery of experiments with incredible care. With ROV technology continuously evolving, we are taking deep-sea ecological research to new depths. Recent uses include the observation of bioluminescence using unique light and camera configurations, the collection of high-resolution imagery to create mosaics of vulnerable marine ecosystems such as hydrothermal vents and coral gardens, the undertaking of crucial baseline surveys to better inform the environmental management of areas where deep-sea mining may occur, and the collection of previously unknown species for thorough morphological and molecular assessment adding to our knowledge of biodiversity. Additionally, ROVs, combined with telepresence technology, have enabled a global network of scientists to work more effectively and collaboratively within and across disciplines, as well as to share the deep ocean with a wider audience. With immersive technology on the horizon, the use of ROVs is certain to diversify in the near future.

Dr Diva Amon, Natural History Museum, UK

09:30 - 10:00 Use of autonomous vehicles to understand abyssal ecology

Our understanding of deep-sea ecosystems has been shaped by the technology used to observe it. In the era of the HMS Challenger, concepts of deep-sea benthic community structure and dynamics were established based on samples from trawls and dredges. While these tools are still in use today, technological developments have shifted the observation of the deep sea towards remotely-operated and autonomous platforms coupled with modern sensors, cameras, lighting, data storage and batteries. The combination of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) with seabed photography has substantially increased our presence in the deep-sea environment in two main ways: by increasing the seabed area observed, and lowering the organism detection size threshold. Habitats are investigated more thoroughly (and quantitatively), and more habitats (and transitions between them) are examined, leading to improved understanding of processes and spatial relationships with scale. The impacts of this technology use are characterised by the change to our understanding of low-density abyssal communities: more morphotypes and higher densities are found, biomass estimates are significantly higher, and altered community structures are revealed. AUVs and marine photography have been applied in landscape-scale community ecology studies, with implications for assessing anthropogenic impacts and designating marine protected areas. Thus, their use has improved and increased qualitative and quantitative observation, and fundamentally altered our understanding of these environments and the processes occurring there. Some suggest that this step change in understanding ushers in a ‘new golden age of discovery’.

Dr Jennifer Durden, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA

10:00 - 10:30 Discussion
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee
11:00 - 11:30 Advances in ecogenomic technologies in marine environments

The frequency of biological observations in the deep sea is rare in comparison with more accessible marine environments. The last decade has seen a revolution in the development and application of new technologies for biological observations, decreasing our reliance on infrequent ship-based collections, and increasing the capacity for non-invasive observation and autonomous monitoring. Among the types of biological observations, genetic observations have the advantage of reliance on DNA, which is universal to life on Earth, while RNA analysis can also deliver information on activity. “Ecogenomics” is used in this context to refer to molecular tools directed at in situ organism-environment interactions. This talk will feature discoveries made using ecogenomic sensors and samplers with a focus on deep sea microbiomes, featuring case studies from hydrothermal vents and methane seeps. This will lead into an overview of new developments in ecogenomic technologies and a vision for the application of these tools to conduct global surveillance of metazoans using environmental DNA signatures in deep sea environments.

Dr Julie Robidart, National Oceanography Centre, UK

11:30 - 12:00 Challenges and progress in the application of artificial intelligence to taxon identification in sea-floor imagery

Scientific research in the deep sea has always been limited by available technology. However, the development of new robotic and autonomous technology is significantly enhancing our ability to study this environment. Currently, modern underwater sampling tools, particularly Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) and Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV), are able to collect vast image datasets, but cannot bypass the bottleneck formed by manual image annotation. Artificial intelligence (AI) and Computer Vision (CV) can be a faster, more consistent, cost effective and a sharable alternative to manual annotation. However, they are subject to a number of challenges that inhibit growth in their use. These are: 1) lack of standardisation in taxon identification between reference datasets that could be used to train CV algorithms, 2) lack of understanding by ecologists in the application and expected performance of existing open-source CV algorithms, 3) poor performance of CV with some taxa. Examples of progress being made in each of these areas is outlined. To address challenge 1 an international project to develop a single reference catalogue used in the identification of taxa from imagery is presented. To address challenge 2 the results of a study that applied CV to identification of taxa from seafloor imagery obtained from the UK’s AUV Autosub6000 is presented; and finally to address challenge 3 results from a novel investigation into the use of hyperspectral imagery in taxon discrimination is presented.

Dr Kerry Howell, Plymouth University, UK

12:00 - 12:30 Discussion


Dr Maria Baker, University of Southampton, UK

13:30 - 14:00 The challenge of exploring and protecting deep-sea ecosystems

Empirical and theoretical studies suggest that biodiversity regulates ecosystems’ functions, which are responsible for the production of goods and services for human wellbeing. A recent study conducted across a wide range of deep-sea ecosystems revealed that the functioning of the largest ecosystem on Earth is positively and exponentially related to biodiversity of benthic fauna. Such relationships suggest that a minor biodiversity loss could have dramatic consequences on ecosystem functions and services (including nutrient regeneration, biomass production, C storage, food webs). However, all biological components in deep-sea ecosystems are intimately linked, and larger organisms are tightly dependent upon either bottom-up and top-down ecological interactions, symbiotic relationships and by the role and functions of the microbial components. Here, thanks to the new tools offered by molecular analyses and massive sequencing, we explored these microbial-macrobial interactions and their role in the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships. The results presented here indicate that if we want to ensure the long-term sustainability of ecosystem services in the deep sea, we need to better explore the relationships between microbial components and larger organisms. The knowledge of these interactions will expand our ability to preserve deep-sea ecosystem functioning and services, and to identify the factors potentially increasing the vulnerability of deep-sea ecosystems to biodiversity loss and the impact of global change.

Professor Roberto Danovaro, Polytechnic University of Marche and Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Italy

14:00 - 14:30 Nekton XL Catlin deep-ocean survey and the potential of non-government funded deep-sea exploration

The Nekton Foundation’s mission is to gather data to accelerate ocean governance. In 2016 the Nekton Foundation undertook its first mission, the XL Catlin Deep-Ocean Survey. The aim was to explore the shallow water and mesophotic ecosystems of Bermuda as well as the waters of the Sargasso Sea. Two vessels were involved in the mission, a private vessel called the Baseline Explorer and the Canadian Coast Guard Ship Hudson. New data were gathered in Bermuda using a combination of SCUBA divers, Technical divers and sumersibles (Triton 1000/2s). Findings have included confirmation of the rariphotic zone in the Caribbean, the discovery of the deepest lionfish and a previously undocumented diversity of macro algae in the rariphotic zone. The CCGS Hudson undertook oceanographic cross-sections of the Sargasso Sea as well as some benthic work on the Canadian margin and a seamount. Some of the challenges of organising expeditions on a private basis are discussed. 

Nekton will undertake its next mission in the Indian Ocean in March 2019. REV Ocean is a new Foundation founded by the Norwegian billionaire Kjell Inge Rokke. They are currently constructing a new 182 meter long research vessel to be launched at the end 2020/start 2021. The vessel will be equipped with ROVs, submersibles and a full range of oceanographic sampling equipment as well as a 40 seater lecture theatre and 40+ berths for scientists. The use of this vessel and other privately-funded research vessels for a global mission will be discussed.

Professor Alex Rogers, University of Oxford, UK

14:30 - 15:00 Discussion
15:00 - 15:30 Tea
15:30 - 16:00 Planning and executing a round-the-world deep sea expedition: experience from the 5-Deeps

The deepest part of the world’s oceans, the hadal zone, (6000 to 11,000 metres deep) has in recent years has seen a renaissance in basic exploration. This biozone accounts for 45% of the total ocean depth range and comprises a disjunct array of subduction trenches. Recent research has in large been supported by technological advances that have made this otherwise largely inaccessible frontier accessible. While a new generation of ‘Hadal-landers’ are now common place, various attempts to expand ultra-deep exploration beyond baited systems have often been short lived (e.g. ROVs, HOVs).

In the spirit of the HMS Challenger Expedition, a new round the world deep-sea expedition is underway.  The 5-Deeps Expedition is the first expedition to attempt to send a human to the deepest point in each of the Earth’s five oceans in a submersible: Arctic, Antarctic, Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean, as well as explore another 7 deep areas. The expedition will run for at least 13 months, starting in August 2018 and will travel nearly 60,000 kilometers around the globe on the Deep Submergence Support Vessel (DSSV) Pressure Drop. The dives will be undertaken using the newly designed and constructed 2-man submersible, DSV Limiting Factor, aided by three science landers. Large areas of hadal sea floor will be mapped using a new high resolution multibeam echo sounder mounted on the Pressure Drop. This is an opportunity to hear first-hand about the recently announced expedition including the planning, execution, logistics and other considerations for going beyond Challenger on other such endeavours.

Dr Alan Jamieson, Newcastle University, UK

16:00 - 17:00 Panel discussion/overview