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Scientific priorities for realising a circular economy

26 - 27 June 2019 08:00 - 16:00

Satellite meeting organised by Professor Matthew Davidson, Professor Richard Catlow FRS, Professor Adrian Mulholland and Professor Graham Hutchings CBE FRS.

Building on the topics of the Discussion meeting, this Satellite meeting focused on identifying specific scientific challenges and priority setting for realising a circular economy. Each session focused on a core aspect of science and was introduced by three experts leading to in-depth discussion, breakout sessions and final summary.



Professor Adisa Azapagic, The University of Manchester, UK

08:00 - 08:05 Welcome by the Royal Society and Professor Matthew Davidson

Professor Matthew Davidson, University of Bath, UK

08:05 - 08:45 Short talks

Dr Jason Leadbitter, INOVYN, UK

Dr Richard MacCowan, Biomimicry, UK

Professor Stefanie Hellweg, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

08:45 - 09:30 Discussion

Discussion led by chair and speakers to identify key points/breakout groups

Professor Adisa Azapagic, The University of Manchester, UK

09:30 - 10:00 Coffee
10:00 - 11:30 Breakout groups and synthesis


Professor Adrian Mulholland, University of Bristol, UK

12:30 - 15:45 Short talks
Dr Barbara Montanari, Scientific Computing Division, SCD, STFC's Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, 27th February 2013

Dr Barbara Montanari, Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK

Dr Rachel Munday, AstraZeneca, UK

Dr Jonathan Moseley, CatSci Ltd

13:15 - 14:00 Discussion

Discussion led by chair and speakers to identify key points/breakout groups

Dr Kirsty Salmon, BP

14:00 - 14:30 Tea
14:30 - 15:45 Breakout groups and synthesis


Professor Graham Hutchings CBE FRS, Cardiff University, UK

08:00 - 08:45 Short talks

Professor Elaine O'Reilly, University College Dublin, Ireland

Dr Michael Bender, BASF, Germany

Dr Paul Collier, Johnson Matthey, UK

08:45 - 09:30 Discussion

Discussion led by chair and speakers to identify key points/breakout groups

Professor Graham Hutchings CBE FRS, Cardiff University, UK

09:30 - 10:00 Coffee
10:00 - 11:30 Breakout groups and synthesis


Professor David Bucknall, Heriot-Watt University, UK

12:30 - 15:45 Short talks

Professor Julia Stegemann, UCL, UK

Roberto Carmo

Roberto Werneck, BRASKEM, Brazil

Professor Arthur Garforth, University of Manchester, UK

13:15 - 14:00 Discussion

Discussion led by chair and speakers to identify key points/breakout groups

Professor David Bucknall, Heriot-Watt University, UK

14:00 - 14:30 Tea
14:30 - 15:45 Breakout groups and synthesis