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Networking event for Industry Fellows and Entrepreneurs in Residence

22 November 2019 09:00 - 18:00

This Industry Fellows College networking event takes place at the Royal Society on 22 November from 9am-6pm.

This conference will address cross-sector collaborations by bringing together past and current Royal Society Industry Fellows, Entrepreneurs in Residence and their collaborators.

Participants will have the opportunity to discuss issues and successes and hear about the wider work of the Society. Training courses will also be offered to participants.

The Royal Society Industry summer placement programme supports students to complete a placement with an Industry Fellow. We will be joined at this event by our summer students, who will present their work.

As well as past and current Industry Fellows, there will be a limited number of places at this event for others interested in the relationship between industry and academia. If you would like to attend, please email with a short explanation as to why you are interested in attending.


  • Professor Joe Sweeney, University of Salford

    Professor Joe Sweeney was awarded a BSc in Chemistry and elected an Associate of the Royal College of Science at Imperial College, and carried out a PhD studying synthetic uses of aziridines and allylstannanes at the University of Oxford. In 1990, Joe was appointed as Lecturer in Chemistry at the University of Bristol where he developed research projects focused on new methods for preparation and use of polyhydroxylated ring structures, aziridines and metalled furanones, and the total synthesis of several naturally-occurring lactones.

    He then moved to a Readership in Organic Chemistry at the University of Reading. In 2007, Joe was awarded the inaugural Faculty Output Prize at the University of Reading for his group's publication on asymmetric rearrangements, and became Professor of Synthesis and Chemical Biology. In 2008, Joe was awarded a Royal Society Industry Fellowship with AstraZeneca, which was later extended. Joe is now Dean for the School of Science, Engineering and Environment at the University of Salford.


Foundations, Fluidity and Flexibility

I have been amazingly lucky to have had a very varied career across academia and industry but a big part of that has been because I have been open to opportunities, pursued what I thought was important and was happy to move outside my comfort zone. From studying monkey behaviour at London zoo, through to drug discovery and development in various pharmaceutical companies, setting up my own company and then running the BBSRC to AI and machine learning my career journey has been anything but dull! 

Professor Jackie Hunter CBE, BenevolentAI

An introduction and the importance of the Royal Society science, industry and translation programme

Dame Sue Ion GBE FREng FRS

A new formulation chassis offering enhanced performance and sustainability

A new type of gel, formed where colloids are dispersed in a nematic phase, was published in Science in 2011 by Dr Wood and co-authors from the University of Edinburgh.  This type of gel can be configured to allow colloids to be drawn to a surface.  Through a Royal Society Industry Fellowship with The Mentholatum Company Ltd, makers of pain relief products like Deep Heat, Dr Wood set out to explore whether this type of gel could be made with nematic phases similar to those used in topical creams.  Her PhD student, Navneeta Katyan, funded by the SCI Sydney-Andrew studentship worked on exploring the physics of the structure and dynamics of these composites.

During this presentation Dr Wood will discuss the journey of research and the discovery of new physics that could change the way that companies make formulated products.  A patent has been filed, and since the technology is applicable across sectors, the team are looking for additional partnerships to take this discovery through to product.  This provides a more environmentally-friendly alternative to current technologies; this may be attractive to companies wishing to comply with a recent EU Directive.

Dr Tiffany Wood, University of Edinburgh

Professor Aristides Matopoulos, Aston University

Dr Jackie Chappell, University of Birmingham, UK

Professor Matthew Gibson, University of Warwick, UK

Dr Nikos Dikaios, University of Surrey

Dr Stefano Albrecht, University of Edinburgh, UK

Dr Zoltan Nagy, Loughborough University

Professor Peter O'Brien, University of York

Commercial literacy: How do companies work?

James Otter, Founder of CommLit.Online, Ellipson, and former Entrepreneur in Residence

The entrepreneurial journey and key decisions along the way

In this presentation, Lucinda Bruce-Gardyne, Founder of Genius Foods Ltd, the UK’s leading gluten free bakery brand, will be taking you through questions and challenges entrepreneurs commonly navigate, while they find the most efficient and impactful route for converting their business idea into an established and sustainable business.

There will be an opportunity to ask Lucinda questions in the Q&A session following the presentation.

Lucinda Bruce-Gardyne, founder of Genius Foods

IP: so much more than patents

Dr Pete Hotten, NuAge Vision

What investors look for before they invest

The session will help participants understand what investors focus most keenly on at different stages of the investment cycle, from Seed through to Series A and on to Series B. Though there are significant overlaps at each point, in terms of the raw elements that investors look for, the relative importance and level of development of each of the constituent parts changes as a business evolves in its development. The session will try to dispel the myths surrounding institutional investors and equip participants with the information that they need in order to have successful investor conversations.

Dr Luke Hakes, Octopus Ventures