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Inspiring intergenerational connections post COVID-19

09 July 2021 12:00 - 12:30

This event is part of a series of lightning lectures for the Royal Society’s 2021 Summer Science digital showcase.

There are often stark differences in the way different generations experience the world around them but have you ever wondered how connecting old people and young people could be mutually beneficial?

When different generations share time and space together, the unexpected can happen. Intergenerational connections are a sustaining force of support and motivation and have been proven to reduce isolation, heighten wellbeing and challenge ageist perceptions. 

However, these bonds have been challenged by the recent COVID-19 pandemic. In its wake, poor mental health and loneliness have been two of the devastating consequences. Could building and rediscovering bonds between different generations help? COVID-19 has triggered new ways of thinking so how can we establish different and more sustainable intergenerational connections? 

To answer some of these questions, Dr Melrose Stewart joins us to explain the benefits that can occur when we close the generational gap and uncovers inspirational ways we can all learn to stay connected. 


  • Dr Melrose Stewart MBE, Honorary Lecturer, University of Birmingham

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