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Funny, peculiar? The Science of Laughter

Join us for the Michael Faraday Prize Lecture 2021 given by Professor Sophie Scott.
Submit your questions via Slido
In this prize lecture, Professor Sophie Scott will explore the science of laughter, how laughter has evolved, its functions in mammals, and the ways that humans use laughter. Professor Scott will show how laughter is used to communicate much more than humour, and the importance of laughter in our social interactions. We will also explore the neural basis of laughter, and the varying ways in which we process laughter.
The Royal Society Michael Faraday Prize and Lecture is awarded annually to the scientist or engineer whose expertise in communicating scientific ideas in lay terms is exemplary. The award is named after Michael Faraday FRS, the influential inventor and electrical pioneer who was prominent in the public communication of science and founded the Christmas lectures at the Royal Institution. In 2021, the prize was awarded to Professor Sophie Scott CBE FBA FMedSci, for her work in engaging the public with neuroscience through events, talks, TV and radio, and exemplifying how science communication can enhance scientific excellence.
Attending the event
- The event is free to join and there is no registration required
- Live subtitles will be available in-person and virtually
Attending in person
- This lecture can be attended in person at the Royal Society
- Doors will open to the public at 6.40pm BST. Entry will be on a first-come, first-served basis, and cannot be guaranteed
- Travel and accessibility information
Attending live online
- The lecture will also be livestreamed here and on the Royal Society YouTube channel
- You can take part in the live Q&A
- This event will be recorded (including the live Q&A) and the recording will be available on YouTube soon after the event
For all enquiries, please contact