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Applied large eddy simulation

27 - 28 October 2008 09:00 - 17:00

Organised by Professor Paul Tucker and Dr Sylvain Lardeau

Computational modelling of flows is vital for understanding & controlling processes relevant to aeronautical, environmental and numerous engineering problems. Most flows are turbulent, this dynamic complexity generally being treated using inexpensive deterministic mathematical models requiring calibration and validation against measurements. The increasing power of computers is allowing much less model dependent approaches. These will be explored in an application centred context between diverse fields.

Invited speakers: Dr Andrew Brown, Mr John Coupland (Chair), Dr Mike Cullen, Professor Lars Davidson, Professor Dimitris Drikakis, Simon Eastwood, Dr Christer Fureby, Professor William K George (Chair), Dr Nicholas J Georgiadis (Chair), Professor Bernard Geurts, Dr Fernando Grinstein, Professor Anthony G Hutton, Sinisa Krajnovic, Professor Michael A Leschziner, Professor Len Margolin, Mr Kevin Menzies, Professor Pierre Saguat, Dr Dieter Schwamborn (Chair), and David Youngs.

Audio recordings of the presentations and discussions are available.

The proceedings of this meeting are scheduled to be published online in June 2009 in Philosophical Transactions A.