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Industry College Networking 2022

25 November 2022 09:00 - 18:30

This conference will address cross-sector collaborations by bringing together past and current Royal Society Industry FellowsEntrepreneurs in Residence and their collaborators.

Participants will have the opportunity to hear what other network members are working on, participate in workshops surrounding issues facing industry scientists in the UK, and hear about the wider work of the Royal Society as a whole.

Attending this event

As well as new and current Industry Fellows and Entrepreneurs in Residence, there will be a limited numbers of places at this event for others interested in the relationship between industry and academia.

If you would like to attend, please email with a short explanation as to why you are interested in the event. As places are limited, we cannot guarantee that there will be spaces available.


09:30 - 09:35 Welcome and Industry Programme update

Dr Katy Gearing


Professor Neill Campbell

09:35 - 09:45 Intelligent software tools and new models for industry/academia engagement

Professor Neill Campbell

09:45 - 09:50 Breeding and genomics of the black soldier fly

Dr Gregor Gorjanc

09:50 - 09:55 Next-generation very small nuclear reactors for space and heat applications

Dr Aiden Peakman

09:55 - 10:00 Gene editing in zebrafish to support drug target validation: The short and long of it

Dr Matthew Winter

10:00 - 10:05 Nanostructured TiO2 for green energy applications
Dr V Lazarov

Professor Vlado Lazarov

10:05 - 10:10 Affective design methods for virtual reality

Dr Christof Lutteroth

10:10 - 10:15 Bioassay development using genetically encoded biosensors to reduce off target drug effects

Dr Graham Ladds

10:15 - 10:20 Opportunities and challenges in using silicon carbide MOSFETs in multi-megawatt renewable energy applications

Dr Paul Judge

10:20 - 10:30 Reflections on an Industry Fellowship

Dr Aquila Mavalankar


Professor Neill Campbell

11:30 - 11:45 170 years of industrial education

John Lavery

11:45 - 12:00 Turning ideas into reality – supporting entrepreneurs to solve society’s greatest challenges
Start Up Induction Day
Royal Academy of Engineering

Katie Saddleton


Dr Nessa Carey

12:00 - 12:10 A lot of help from our friends - building an expert network at the University of Oxford

Dr Nessa Carey

12:10 - 12:15 Defining Maths: thoughts from a maths EiR 8 months in

Chris Daniels

12:20 - 12:25 Making affordable solutions for global health challenges: How to commercialise high impact, low profit science

Dr Barrie Rooney

12:25 - 12:30 Developing new indications for generic medicines in neglected diseases

Dr Stephen Hobbiger

12:35 - 12:40 Developing targeted mentor support for entrepreneurs

Janette Pallas

12:40 - 12:45 Catalysing academic-industrial collaboration in chemistry

Dr James Douglas

12:50 - 13:00 Commercialising academia's research: multiple choices

Dr Fiona Riddoch Phd MBA

14:00 - 15:30 Transforming UK translation: five years in

In 2017 the Society and three other partners (the Academy of Medical Science, the Wellcome Trust and the Royal Academy of Engineering) published a joint position which outlined a ten-year plan and declared that “research should have the widest possible benefit to society, and that new knowledge and discoveries should be applied beyond the academic setting wherever possible” and that “a vibrant translation system is essential for this to occur”.

The declaration set out eight commitments using a broad definition of translation covering a range of knowledge exchange activities primarily taking place in universities and research institutes, while also acknowledging that not all organisations would have the resource or remit to address all the actions.

We are now five years into this ten-year plan and during this time the Society has consulted the innovation community on the challenges of translation in the UK in workshops and meetings (for example in 2019 and 2020) and developed industry facing award schemes. Currently the Research and Innovation team in Science Policy is developing a major project, to be chaired by Sir Adrian Smith PRS, on a long-term vision for science. This will take a long view of R&D across academia and industry up to the year 2040, ask what the science system should look like to maximise the economic and societal benefits, and what needs to happen between now and then to realise that vision.

In this workshop, we will review the progress made to date by the Society to address the eight commitments; how the external policy environment has changed in the last five years as experienced by attendees; and consult attendees on what further role the Society should play in developing the long term vision for optimising the process for translation of novel research in the UK.

Tom Frostick

Tim Rees Jones

16:00 - 17:00 Recognition of scientists in industry

The Royal Society’s prestigious medals and awards programme recognises and celebrates outstanding contributions to science from individuals and teams. Around 30 medals and awards are presented each year, celebrating excellence across a wide range of scientific research areas and roles. Several of the awards are accompanied by a prize lecture.

Historically, the programme recognised excellence in research, but the scope has broadened in more recent years to recognise those excelling in outreach and science communication. The Society is now working to broaden the nomination pool, ensuring it more accurately reflects modern-day science and diversity in all its forms.

Katie Coupar-Evans

17:00 - 17:30 Closing keynote

Simon Andrews