Greg Scholes has developed experimental and theoretical tools at the forefront of ultrafast laser science, obtaining insights into the fastest light-induced functions of natural photosynthetic proteins, complex molecules, and nanoscale systems. His current research investigates how coherent states driven by short laser pulses (wavepackets) can reveal mechanisms of ultrafast processes; inquiring how chemical systems might encode unexpected quantum information, and demonstrating coherent or quantum phenomena in chemistry.
Greg Scholes is the William S Tod Professor of Chemistry at Princeton University. Originally from Melbourne, Australia, he started his independent career at the University of Toronto (2000-2014) where he was the D.J. LeRoy Distinguished Professor.
Dr Scholes is the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and Director of the Energy Frontier Research Center BioLEC (Bio-inspired Light-Escalated Chemistry). He served as Chair of the Chemistry Department at Princeton from 2020-23.
Professional position
- William S Tod Professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Princeton University
Subject groups
Astronomy and Physics
Biophysics, Quantum theory
Chemistry, physical, Chemistry, theoretical
Applied mathematics and theoretical physics