Professor Nancy Reid OC FRS

Nancy Reid is University Professor and Canada Research Chair in Statistical Theory and Applications at the University of Toronto.  Her research interests include statistical theory, likelihood inference, design of studies, and statistical science in public policy.  She has held many professional leadership roles in statistical science, in Canada and abroad.

Her main research contributions have been to the field of theoretical statistics.  This area of research uses mathematical tools to develop results that are motivated by the need for statistical analysis of data collected in many fields of study.  The goal is to use information from noisy data as efficiently and elegantly as possible, and to elucidate general principles for doing so, in order to provide structures for developing new statistical methods in new areas of application.

Professor Reid is a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, the Royal Society of Canada, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences. In 2015 she was appointed Officer of the Order of Canada.

Professional position

  • University Professor of Statistical Sciences, Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Toronto

Subject groups

  • Mathematics

    Statistics and Operational Research

  • Other

    Science policy, Other interests

Committees Participated Role
Sectional Committee 1: Mathematics October 2024 - September 2027 Member
Physical Sciences Awards Committee January 2021 - December 2024 Member
Explainable AI November 2019 - November 2024 Member