Dame Sue Ion is currently Hon President of the UK National Skills Academy for Nuclear and is a member of the UK Nuclear Regulator's Independent Advisory Panel. Dame Sue spent over 3 decades in the nuclear sector before moving to a more advisory role on energy matters generally. She was Chairman of the UK Government's Nuclear Innovation Research Advisory Board which operated from January 2014- March 2016. Dame Sue was BNFL's Chief Technology Officer from 1992-2006 and since then has served on a number of advisory committees associated with the UK's energy requirements.
Dame Sue was the UK's representative on the IAEA Standing Advisory Group on Nuclear Energy 2000-2007 and Chaired the EU Euratom S&T Committee from 2012 until BREXIT. She was the only non-US member of the US Department of Energy's Nuclear Energy Advisory Committee serving from 2006-2018.
She holds honorary or visiting professorships at the University of Manchester and Imperial College London and currently serves as Chair of the Board of Governors of the University of Central Lancashire. Dame Sue is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and Foreign Member of the US National Academy of Engineering.
Professional position
- Board Member, University of Central Lancashire
- Honorary President, National Skills Academy for Nuclear