Bruce A. Joyce was Emeritus Professor of Physics and Senior Research Investigator at Imperial College London. Previously, he was Professor of Semiconductor Materials in the Department of Physics, having been Director of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Semiconductor Materials from 1988 to 1998. His research interests included the physics and chemistry of semiconductor surfaces and reduced dimensionality structures. In the course of this work, he published some 360 papers.
He joined Plessey Company’s Allen Clark Research Centre in 1958, before moving to Philips Research Laboratories in 1969. He subsequently held visiting professorships at Imperial and the universities of Sussex and Liverpool, and was a Wolfson Industrial Fellow at Wolfson College, Oxford.
Bruce received the Duddell Medal and Prize of the Institute of Physics (IOP) and the IBM (Europe) Science and Technology Prize for his work on molecular beam epitaxy. He served many committees and the editorial boards of international journals, and was President of the British Association for Crystal Growth, receiving honorary membership. In 1973, he was elected Fellow of the IOP.
Professor Bruce Joyce FRS died on 22 February 2023,
Professional position
- Emeritus Professor of Physics, Imperial College London
Subject groups
Engineering and Materials Science
Materials science (incl materials engineering), Engineering, semiconductors
Astronomy and Physics
Semi-conductors, Condensed matter incl softmatter, liquids, nano-materials