Professor Dale Sanders FRS

Dale Sanders is a plant biologist whose work focusses on plant nutrition.  His discoveries have revealed the complex mechanisms that control ion transport across membranes and that are involved in intracellular ion homeostasis.

The calcium ion in particular is involved in transducing a range of environmental and hormonal stimuli into appropriate physiological responses.  Elucidation of the network of ion channels that elicit rapid changes in intracellular calcium has been possible through the application of electrophysiological, molecular and imaging approaches, thereby demonstrating how complex calcium signals can be generated in time and space.


Transition metals, especially iron and zinc, play key roles in multiple aspects of biochemistry.  Lack of zinc in the human diet is responsible for over 400,000 deaths annually.  Dale's research on the molecular mechanisms that underpin the control of zinc distribution to the edible parts of cereals has enabled development of strategies to biofortify cereals and hence address issues of trace element malnutrition.


Professional position

  • Honorary Visiting Professor, Department of Biology, University of York

Subject groups

  • Molecules of Life

    Biophysics and structural biology

  • Patterns in Populations

    Plant sciences / botany

Professor Dale Sanders FRS
Elected 2001
Committees Participated Role
Geographical Diversity Search Panel May 2023 - January 2024 Member
Industry Fellowships Joint Panel November 2022 - September 2025 Member
Science Policy Committee January 2022 - December 2024 Member
Genetic Technologies Contact Group January 2018 - December 2018 Member
Royal Society Wolfson Fellowships Committee January 2013 - December 2015 Member
Council December 2004 - November 2006 Member
Sectional Committee 9: Patterns in populations December 2002 - November 2004 Member