Professor David Garner FRS

David Garner is a chemist, whose research has advanced our knowledge of the role of d-transition metals in biology. Many of his studies have focused on the nature of the catalytic centres of molybdenum enzymes that catalyse key reactions of the carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycles of the biosphere. David has published over 400 papers and reviews describing the results of his research. He received the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Tilden Medal (1985) and its Joseph Chatt (1999) and Ludwig Mond (2007) lectureships.

David was the President of the RSC (2008–2010), a Council Member (2006–2011) and President of the Dalton Division (2001–2004). He has helped develop links between the RSC and sister societies worldwide, including the formation of EuCheMS. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Chinese Chemical Society and has been involved in information exchanges between the Royal Society and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was the founding President of the Society of Biological Inorganic Chemistry.

Subject groups

  • Other

    Public understanding of science

  • Chemistry

    Chemistry, inorganic, Chemistry, biological

Professor David Garner FRS
Elected 1997
Committees Participated Role
Sectional Committee 3: Chemistry December 2017 - October 2019 Chair
Sectional Committee 3: Chemistry December 2016 - November 2017 Member
Hooke Committee January 2011 - December 2017 Ex-Officio
Publishing Board January 2011 - December 2017 Ex-Officio
Sectional Committee 3: Chemistry December 2010 - November 2011 Member
Sectional Committee 3: Chemistry November 1998 - November 2001 Member