Professor David Preiss FRS

David Preiss is a mathematician distinguished for his work in the field of real analysis — the rigorous study of functions on the set of real numbers. He has also made numerous contributions to geometric measure theory, which investigates the properties of measures, functions and sets.

As a result of his continued excellence in these fields, in 2012 David received a five-year Advanced Fellowship from the European Research Council to develop new methods in the field of analysis, specifically for the study of the geometric properties of sets and functions.

Currently Professor of Mathematics at the University of Warwick, in 2011 David was chosen by an international jury from the universities of Basel, Jerusalem and Waterloo and the academies of Denmark and the Netherlands to receive the prestigious Ostrowski Prize for his contributions to the field of analysis.

Professional position

  • Professor of Mathematics, Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick

Subject groups

  • Mathematics

    Pure mathematics

Professor David Preiss FRS
Elected 2004