Professor David Wales FRS

David J. Wales received his BA degree from Cambridge University in 1985 and his PhD in 1988 under the supervision of Prof. A. J. Stone. He was awarded the ScD degree in 2004.  He spent 1989 as a Lindemann Trust Fellow at the University of Chicago, working with Prof. R. S. Berry. He returned to a Research Fellowship at Downing College Cambridge in 1990, was a Lloyd's of London  Tercentenary Fellow in 1991, and a Royal Society University Research Fellow from 1991 to 1998.  In 1998 he was appointed to a Lectureship in Cambridge and is now Professor of Chemical Physics. 

He was awarded the Meldola Medal and Prize in 1992 by the Royal Society of Chemistry, and the  Tilden Prize in 2015. He was a Baker Lecturer at Cornell University in 2005, and the Inaugural Henry Frank Lecturer at Pittsburgh University in 2007.  His research primarily involves the exploration of potential energy landscapes, with applications to chemical biology, spectroscopy, clusters, solids and surfaces.

Professional position

  • Professor of Chemical Physics, Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge

Subject groups

  • Astronomy and Physics

    Biophysics, Computational physics, Condensed matter incl softmatter, liquids, nano-materials, Quantum theory

  • Chemistry

    Chemistry, biological, Chemistry, materials, Chemistry, physical, Chemistry, theoretical

  • Health and Human Sciences

    Molecular medicine

  • Mathematics

    Applied mathematics and theoretical physics

Professor David Wales FRS
Elected 2016
Committees Participated Role
Research Grants Committee: Physical Sciences January 2018 - December 2023 Member
Sectional Committee 4: Engineering and Materials Science December 2016 - October 2019 Member