Dorothy Monekosso (PhD) is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Durham and Chief Technical Officer at More Life UK Ltd.  Dorothy holds a PhD (2000) in Spacecraft Engineering, a Master’s in Satellite Engineering from the Surrey Space Centre (University of Surrey) and Bachelor in Electronic Engineering. She began her career in space sector, developing on-board computers and control systems for spacecraft and satellites. Dorothy became interested in Artificial Intelligence during her PhD applying machine learning methods and techniques to spacecraft autonomy. On the basis of this work, she was awarded a Royal Academy of Engineering, Engineering Foresight Award. Her current research interests are applications of machine learning to intelligent systems, digital health, rehabilitation and assistive technologies.

In 2020, she was awarded an honorary fellowship of the British Computer Society for work in assistive and rehabilitation technologies.

She has led several digital health and assistive technologies projects funded by Innovate UK, European Commission, Royal Academy of Engineering, DAIWA, and security projects funded USA Department of Homeland Security and co-led several security projects funded under national and international programmes. Dorothy is currently Leeds Beckett PI for a H2020 Internet of Things project MONICA: Management Of Networked IoT Wearables – Very Large Scale Demonstration of Cultural Societal Applications.

Dorothy Monekosso


Career Development Fellowships Selection CommitteeJanuary 2024 - December 2026Member
Diversity and Inclusion CommitteeJune 2022 - December 2027Member