Professor Gordon Slade FRS

Gordon Slade is a Canadian mathematician whose research is in the fields of probability theory and mathematical physics, especially statistical mechanics. He has been Professor of Mathematics at the University of British Columbia since 1999, after spending the period 1986-1999 at McMaster University.

He is well-known for his work on the mathematical study of critical phenomena and phase transitions. With his collaborators, he developed the `lace expansion' into a powerful and flexible method for the analysis of high-dimensional critical phenomena in many mathematical models of interest in physics, including the self-avoiding walk and percolation. In more recent work, he and his collaborators have developed a rigorous renormalisation group method for the analysis of the critical behaviour of spin systems and the weakly self-avoiding walk.

His awards include election as Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 2000, the CRM-Fields-PIMS Prize in 2010, and a University of British Columbia Killam Teaching Prize in 2017.

Professional position

  • Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia

Subject groups

  • Mathematics

    Applied mathematics and theoretical physics, Pure mathematics

Professor Gordon Slade FRS
Elected 2017