I am Lecturer in Computer Science in the School of Computer Science and Digital Technologies at Aston University. My research interests can be broadly described as Social Learning and Cultural Evolution in Artificial Evolutionary System, though my research covers a wide range of topics from Evolutionary Computation to Socio-Technical Systems and Smart Energy to Computational Intelligence. My core research motivation is to understand the emergence and utility of social learning and cultural evolution as evolved adaptive mechanisms for learning, and then apply social learning and cultural evolution in artificial evolutionary systems, socio-technical systems, and computationally intelligent adaptive agents.
I am originally from Birmingham, and am proudly half Maltese. Before moving to Aston in January 2022 I was a lecturer in Evolutionary Systems in the School of Computing and Mathematics at Keele University. I obtained my PhD from Keele University, under the supervision of Dr Alastair Channon, in 2018. My other qualifications include a BSc in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science and a MSc in Advance Computer Science from the University of Birmingham, UK.
In my spare time I am a keen Aston Villa supporter; regularly injured football player; music enthusiast; out of practice guitarist; Science Fiction fan, part time gamer, part time politico, part time meme stock enthusiast; and full time Dad and partner.
Dr James Borg
Committees Participated Role
International Exchanges Committee January 2025 - December 2027 Member