Professor Jean-Pierre Hansen FRS

Jean-Pierre Hansen is a leading authority on statistical mechanics of simple, ionic and complex fluids, and ultradense plasmas. His simulations and density functional investigations of crystallisation led to a widely used freezing criterion and a quantitative understanding of quantum crystals. His simulations of quenched liquids provide decisive tests of the mode-coupling theory for the kinetic glass transition.

He pioneered the application of methods from the theory of simple liquids to complex fluids and interfaces — including electric double layers, colloids, clay dispersions, concentrated polymer solutions and ion channels — as well as to the structure and dynamics of ultradense plasmas, predicting unexpected correlation effects of entropic or Coulombic origin.

Jean-Pierre has received a number of awards for his research, including the Grand Prix de l’Etat of the Académie des sciences, France, in 1990, the Liquid Matter Prize of the European Physical Society in 2005, and the Rumford Medal of the Royal Society in 2006.

Subject groups

  • Astronomy and Physics

    Condensed matter incl softmatter, liquids, nano-materials, Plasma physics

  • Chemistry

    Chemistry, theoretical


  • Rumford Medal

    For his pioneering work on molten salts and dense plasmas that has led the way to a quantative understanding of the structure and dynamics of strongly correlated ionic liquids.

Professor Jean-Pierre Hansen FRS
Elected 2002
Committees Participated Role
Physical Sciences Awards Committee July 2004 - December 2004 Member
Sectional Committee 2: Astronomy and physics December 2003 - November 2006 Member
Hooke Committee January 2003 - December 2006 Member