Professor Jian-Wei Pan ForMemRS

Professor Jian-Wei Pan's research fields focus on quantum foundations, quantum optics and quantum information. Pan pioneers in multi-particle interferometry and quantum experiments in space. His team closed major loopholes for secure quantum communication associated with imperfect devices, making it a viable technology under realistic conditions. His group developed the quantum satellite Micius, demonstrated the first intercontinental quantum communication. These pioneering efforts bring global-scale secure quantum communication from a purely theoretical concept to reality. His team demonstrated quantum computational advantage, validating the feasibility of quantum computing systems to outperform classical machines in solving specific problems.


Professor Pan was elected as the academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and appointed as the director of the CAS Center for Excellence in Quantum Information and Quantum Physics. He was awarded Fresnel Prize (2005), Quantum Communications Award (2012), First Prize of National Prize for Natural Sciences of China (2016), Newcomb Cleveland Prize (2019), Wood Prize (2020), and was selected by Nature as 'people of the year' in 2017 who 'took quantum communication to space and back'.

Professional position

  • Professor, Department of Modern Physics and Executive Vice President, University of Science and Technology of China

Subject groups

  • Astronomy and Physics

    Condensed matter incl softmatter, liquids, nano-materials, Low temperature physics, Nuclear, atomic and molecular physics, Quantum theory