Professor Keith Chater FRS

Keith Chater is a bacterial geneticist who has greatly enhanced our understanding of the large family of soil-dwelling bacteria called streptomycetes. These unusual organisms are of great interest due to their complex biology: they produce many antibiotics, including streptomycin — the first treatment effective against tuberculosis.

Keith used a combination of classical and molecular genetics to explore the factors controlling streptomycetes’ reproductive phase, in which they grow fungal-like filaments and release spores, as well as their biosynthesis of antibiotics. He developed a bacteriophage vector to isolate the genes responsible, and discovered a novel pathway that regulates translation of key genes regulating development and antibiotic production.

As whole genome sequences of Streptomyces species became available, Keith has undertaken detailed comparisons to gain insight into their evolution from simpler progenitors, involving the acquisition of new genes. His studies offer new strategies for the treatment of diseases caused by related bacteria, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and provide starting points for the development of new antibiotics.

Subject groups

  • Cell Biology

    Genetics (excluding population genetics)

  • Molecules of Life

    Molecular microbiology


  • Leeuwenhoek Medal and Lecture

    On 'Streptomyces indside out: a new perspective on the bacteria that provide us with antibiotics'.

Professor Keith Chater FRS
Elected 1995
Committees Participated Role
International Exchanges Committee January 2015 - December 2017 Member
Sectional Committee 7: Cell Biology December 2013 - November 2016 Member
Royal Society Research Grants Scheme - Board E April 2005 - December 2007 Member
Sectional Committee 6: Molecules of Life November 1996 - November 1999 Member