Keith Glover has made outstanding contributions to the theory of control systems design and to the approximation and identification of dynamic systems. His contribution to the optimisation of dynamic systems based on Hardy space techniques is making a substantial impact on control theory/engineering since it can give the analytical solution of physically significant synthesis problems for feedback systems.
He has been responsible for developing an entirely new state-space approach to these problems of feedback system design and model order reduction, which has had far reaching consequences in areas ranging from pure mathematics (approximation theory and operator theory) to applied engineering. These techniques also give explicit and easily implemented computer algorithms that are receiving wide application in many areas and also lead to simpler interpretations of the methodology, both of which make it accessible to engineers.
Since his election to the Royal Society, Keith has also been involved in more applied problems in flight control and automotive engine control. He served as Head of the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, from 2002–2009.
Subject groups
Engineering and Materials Science
Engineering, control (incl robotics)