Martin Rees is the UK's Astronomer Royal. He is based at Cambridge University where he is a Fellow (and Former Master) of Trinity College. He is a member of the House of Lords, and a former President of the Royal Society. His research interests include space exploration, black holes, galaxy formation, the multiverse and prospects for extraterrestrial life. He is co-founder of the Centre for the Study of Existential Risks at Cambridge University (CSER). In addition to academic publications, research papers he has written many general articles and ten books, most recently 'On the Future: Prospects for Humanity'.
Subject groups
- Astronomy and physics
Bakerian Medal and Lecture
On 'Galaxies and their nuclei'.
Balzan Prize
For high energy astrophysics.
Blackett and Jagdish Chandra Bose Memorial Lectures
On 'Our final century- will civilisation survive?'.
Crafoord Prize
In the field of astronomy for understanding the large-scale structure of the Universe.
Michael Faraday Prize and Lecture
On 'Einstein's legacy as a scientist and icon'.
Rutherford Memorial Lecture
Given in New Zealand.
UK-Canada Rutherford Lecture
On 'The mystery of gamma-ray bursts'.
Copley Medal
For being arguably the most distinguished theoretical astrophysicist of his generation, responsible for numerous and varied conceptual breakthroughs, with influence spreading far beyond the specialist academic community.