Sir Peter Horby Kt FMedSci FRS

Sir Peter Horby is a medical researcher specialising in emerging and epidemic prone infectious diseases. He has led research on a wide range of diseases, including SARS-1, avian influenza, Ebola, plague, and COVID-19. Peter is best known for being co-lead of the RECOVERY trial of treatments for COVID-19, which evaluated multiple drugs and identified the first lifesaving treatments for COVID-19. He is also known for his advocacy of global collaborative science.


Peter has worked extensively at the science policy interface, as Chair of the New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group, a member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies - COVID-19, and with the World Health Organization. He was awarded the Vietnam Medal for Peoples' Health in 2006, and in 2021 was awarded the Alwyn Smith Prize for outstanding contribution to public health and a knighthood for services to medical research.


Peter is Director of the Pandemic Sciences Institute, an interdisciplinary research institute at the University of Oxford with a mission to discover, create, and enable practical solutions to infectious disease threats worldwide.


Professional position

  • Moh Family Foundation Professor of Emerging Infections and Global Health, Nuffield Department of Medicine, John Radcliffe Hospital
  • Director, Pandemic Sciences Institute, University of Oxford

Subject groups

  • Health and Human Sciences

    Clinical epidemiology, Medicine, clinical studies

  • Other

    Science policy