Stephen Pope conducts research on the modelling and simulation of turbulent flows and turbulent combustion. In particular, he has pioneered the use of probability density function models to predict turbulent reactive flows. Stephen also discovered fundamental processes in turbulence, including surface bending and stretching, and this knowledge has been applied in major industries.
He is responsible for initiating major advances in dimension-reduction methodologies for combustion chemistry. The algorithms that Stephen developed have led to considerable improvements in computational efficiency, enabling realistic combustion chemistry to be applied to complex problems.
Stephen has published over 200 scientific papers and is the author of the textbook Turbulent Flows (2000). He has won many awards, both for his research and for excellence in teaching, including the Ya B. Zeldovich Gold Medal of the Combustion Institute in 2008 and the Fluid Dynamics Prize of the American Physical Society in 2009.
Subject groups
Engineering and Materials Science
Engineering, mechanical, Fluid dynamics