William H. Miller received a B.S. in Chemistry from Georgia Tech (1963) and a Ph.D. in Chemical Physics from Harvard (1967). During 1967-69 he was a Junior Fellow in Harvard’s Society of Fellows, the first year of which was spent as a NATO postdoctoral fellow at the University of Freiburg (Germany). He joined the chemistry department of the University of California, Berkeley, as Assistant Professor in 1969 and has been Professor since 1974, serving as Department Chairman from 1989 to 1993 and becoming the Kenneth S. Pitzer Distinguished Professor in 1999.
Professor Miller is a member of the US National Academy of Sciences (1987), the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1993), the Leopoldina (German National Academy of Sciences) (2011), and Foreign Member of the Royal Scoiety (London) (2015). His major awards include the E. O. Lawrence Memorial Award (1985), the Irving Langmuir Award in Chemical Physics (1990), the American Chemical Society Award in Theoretical Chemistry (1994), the Hirschfelder Prize in Theoretical Chemistry (1996), the Ira Remsen Award (1997), the Spiers Medal of the Royal Society of Chemistry (1998), the Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry (2003), the Herschbach Award in the Dynamics of Molecular Collisions (2007), the Welch Award in Chemistry (2007), and the Ahmed Zewail Prize in Molecular Sciences (2011).
Subject groups
Chemistry, theoretical