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Kavli Medal Lecture by Professor Clare Grey FRS
The development of light, long-lasting rechargeable batteries has been an integral part of the portable electronics revolution. This revolution has transformed the way in which we communicate and transfer and access data globally. Rechargeable batteries are now poised to play an increasingly important role in transport and grid applications, but the introduction of these devices comes with a different set of chemical and material challenges.
This talk will describe existing battery technologies, their use in transport and grid applications, and research being performed at Cambridge and elsewhere to help develop improved batteries for these applications.
Clare Grey is the Geoffrey Moorhouse Gibson Professor of Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Cambridge. Professor Grey is a recognized world leader in the use of solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to study structure and function in inorganic materials. She has pioneered ground-breaking in situ NMR studies of batteries and fuel cells which have provided a greatly enhanced understanding of the processes that occur when a battery charges and discharges, and when a fuel cell operates. This work has a direct and important impact on the optimisation and development of systems for energy storage and conversion.
The 2011 Kavli Medal and Lecture was awarded to Professor Clare Grey FRS for her pioneering work in solid state NMR uses in the field of lithium-ion batteries.
The Kavli Medal and Lecture is awarded biennially (in odd years) for excellence in all fields of science and engineering relevant to the environment or energy. The medal and lectureship are supported by the Kavli Foundation.