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Viruses: poised to cause a pandemic?

03 July 2013 14:30 - 16:00

Café Scientifique with Dr Jessica Metcalf and Dr Nim Pathy, as part of the 2013 Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition.

Event details

Does increasing globalisation and migration of populations mean humans are more at risk of widespread infectious diseases?  Join Dr Jessica Metcalf and Dr Nim Pathy to discuss factors determining the spread of viruses in space and time, the anticipation of new strains and outbreaks and the implications for vaccine control.

Dr Jessica Metcalf is a Royal Society Research Fellow based at the University of Oxford.  Dr Nim Pathy is based at Imperial College London.

Attending this event

Café Scientifique events aim to provide a forum for the debate of scientific ideas. Join scientists and other specialists to explore current issues in science over a drink. Audience participation is strongly encouraged.

This event is free and open for all to attend. Seats are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

The Cafe is located down 9 steps and unfortunately not wheelchair accessible. We have a limited number of bookable seats for people with impaired mobility who are unable to queue. To book in advance, please contact the events team. Further information about accessibility is available.

A podcast of the discussion will be available after the event.

This event is part of a series of Café Scientifique events throughout the week at the Summer Science Exhibition.

Enquiries: Contact the events team